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Corflute signs relating to political campaigns and movements in Queensland and possibly elsewhere in Australia. The creator and dates of some signs cannot be determined.
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Corflute signs relating to political campaigns and movements in Queensland and possibly elsewhere in Australia. The creator and dates of some signs cannot be determined.
Part of Political Corflute Signs
A one-sided Corflute sign listing six campaign promises of the Forward party. The bottom of the sign reads 'Forward with Drew Pavlou. Authorised by Dylan Lyons'.
Sex ! Now that I've got your attention, vote for Forward !
Part of Political Corflute Signs
A one-sided Corflute sign stating 'Sex! Now that I've got your attention, vote for Forward! Authorised by Dylan Lyons'. Red text on a white background.
A vote for Forward ! Is a vote for Drew !
Part of Political Corflute Signs
A one-sided Corflute sign stating 'A vote for Forward! Is a vote for Drew! Authorised by Dylan Lyons'. White text on a red background.
Part of Political Corflute Signs
A one-sided Corflute sign stating 'Abortion rights now! Authorised by R McLennan. General Secretary Queensland Council of Unions. Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101'. White text on a red background. Undated.
Queensland Council of Unions
Vote to decriminalise abortion
Part of Political Corflute Signs
A one-sided Corflute sign stating 'Vote to decriminalise abortion. Authorised by: M Young, 102 McDonald Road, Windsor'. Black text on a pink background. Undated.
Part of Political Corflute Signs
A one-sided circle Corflute sign stating 'Contact your Qld MP'. White text on a black background. Undated.
Jenny Stewart Political posters
130 posters organised into the following series : (1) Harridan screen printer; (2) general; (3) United Nations Decade for Women; (4) Indigenous; (5) International Women's Day; (6) Women's awareness; (7) Rallies and conferences Australia; (8) Rape; (9) Women's health; (10) Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and inter-sex.
Stewart, Jenny, 1945-1997
Heather Williams Political posters
53 posters from both Australia and overseas relating to peace, nuclear disarmament, women's rights and other social issues.
Williams, Heather