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Kath Watson Poems

  • F2261
  • File
  • 1931-1983

Thirteen exercise books of poetry written by Kath Watson. Date range on inside covers. Books arranged chronologically. All entries are handwritten; some have handwritten comments by Kath Thomas. Inserted in book 5 is a handwritten note (1 leaf) by Kath from a later time period (undated). Removed from book 13 are 4 typescript leaves.

Thomas, Kath, 1911-1994

Letter and poem by Garry Lyle

  • F2265
  • File
  • 1941

Typescript letter by Garry Lyle, signed, to Kath Watson, dated 17 June 1941, from Balcombe Camp, Victoria. It includes: concerns publication of a book, Kath's decision to contribute to the volume, asks if she knows Clem Jones or his father, and background notes to accompanying poem, Into the dusk The poem is one leaf, typescript signed, carbon copy, with a handwritten note under the poem.

Lyle, Garry, 1918-1984

Georges Perec Papers

  • F2291
  • File
  • 1979-1981

Includes poems, articles, draft article, post card and photographs. Handwritten, some signed; typescripts; and pictures.

Perec, Georges, 1936-1982


  • F2479
  • File
  • 1927

This file is comprised six items. There are three typescripts: 'My first ten years - some memories of party life' which is about participation in Communist Party activities in the 1940s (7 leaves, typescript, with handwritten emendations); 'Val', which is about Val Fraser (colleague in the Communist Party) (4 leaves, typescript, with handwritten emendations); and four typescript leaves recalling her early childhood years at Wynnum and Lindum with a handwritten note on the first page 'written a good few years back'. All are undated. There are two newspapers cuttings of Kath Watson in Somerville House Sports Teams from 1925 and 1927; and an 'Where is it book?' (Ancol notebook) listing women to include in the 1978 Woman and Labor papers, undated but possibly from 1978.

Thomas, Kath, 1911-1994

Mary B. Ewan Scrapbooks

  • F3089
  • File
  • 1901-1924

Newspaper cuttings, mainly of poems by Will Ogilvie and articles about him gathered by Mary B. Ewan; also holograph signed poems by Will Ogilvie. Pasted into a scrapbook. Handwritten on first page 'Mary B. Ewan. January 29th 1901. Scrapbook'. Most cuttings are undated; those dated range from 1901 to 1924.

Ewan, Mary B.

Papers relating to Ada Cambridge

  • F3674
  • File
  • 1887-1911.

Material copied from the originals held in the Huntington Library. Included in this file is the photocopy of holograph inscriptions in Ada Cambridge works, formerly part of the library of James Carleton Young:

  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for A Happy marriage, London : Hurst and Blackett, 1906, with the inscription on the title page: Not, of course, ones ideal happy marriage - far from it - but representing, as I think, the general type of happy marriage that we actually see & know. Ada Cross ("Ada Cambridge"), March 1907.
  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for Fidelis : a novel, 4th ed., London : Hutchinson, n.d., with an inscription on the half title page: An illustration of a theory which a long study of human nature seems to have confirmed - that a conspicuous lack of physical attractions is (to the healthy-minded in aspiring) more helpful to character and success in life than beauty. Ada Cambridge. March 16th 1907.
  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for Path and Goal, London : Methuen, 1900, with an inscription on the half title page: That what is perhaps my favourite novel (of my own creation) should find its permanent home in the United States - where I have long believed that the standards of literary culture, workmanship and taste are the highest and most stable of any in the world - is to me the greatest public honour as well as personal gratification that my profession as a writer has brought me. Ada Cross ("Ada Cambridge") Williamstown, Victoria, Australia, 1907.
  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for Not all in vain, Melbourne : Melville, Mullen & Slade, 1892, with the inscription on the title page: The Australian edition of this book is substituted for the unwieldy 3 volumes of the original English issue. The work belongs to the full and happy earlier years of my literary life, and marks the period at which I was definitely received into the ranks of British novelists - Ada Cambridge. March 17th 1907.
  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for A marked man : some episodes in his life, Popular edition, London : William Heinemann, 1894, with inscription on half title page: This book laid the foundation of such literary reputation as I have enjoyed since its publication in 1891, it being my first to attract public attention in England. I think it can also claim the [indecipherable] of being amongst the first of British works to obtain copyright in the United States. The "Queenslanborougher" [? indecipherable] of the story is reminiscent of a villager - afterwards this villages, one a [?] watering-place - on the east of [?] (my native country0, where many happy summers of my childhood were spent. The "Camp" existed as described and [?] me many years ago. Its 'site' is new thickly built [?], included in the spreading [?] of suburban Sydney. Ada Cross ("Ada Cambridge") Williamstown, Victoria, Australia. March 15th 1907.
  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for The Three Miss Kings, London : William Heinemann, 1899, with inscription on half title page: This novel, although not my first to appear in book form, was the first written of the series published in London and New York, beginning with "A Marked Man" in 1891. It immediately followed the latter book, having been a serial in 'The Australasian' so long before [?] 1883. I considered it, by reason of its [?] ineligible for an honour. I should not myself have and might for it, but it had passed from my possession and control before "A Marked Man" established me as a British author, and I believe, it has had a larger circulation and been more generally read than any of its successors. Ada Cross ("Ada Cambridge") Williamstown, Victoria, Australia April 5th 1907.
  • Photocopy of cover, library catalogue card and title page for Unspoken thoughts, London : Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co., 1887, with inscription on fly leaf: This little work may be described as an ebullition of untempered grath [?]. Twenty years ago I published it at my own expense - merely as a relief to a brooding mind, grown morbid, apparently, from physical ill health and too much solitary meditation not intending that the [?] be [?] home to me. Of course, the carefully planned ambiguity could not be maintained, and the [?], from a professional point of view, was a failure - the absence of a [?] meant the absence of public notice and when in 1891 the bulk of the tiny edition "remained", and it was proposed to me to sell it for what it would fetch, I exercised my right as owner to have every copy destroyed. The book therefore has the merit - wh in my riper and calmer years I highly appreciate - of being extremely rare. Ada Cambridge. The Vicarage, Williamstown, Victoria. Australia. April 5th 1907.
  • Photocopy of a manuscript volume of poems, titled 'Poems by Ada Cambridge', 66 leaves, versos blank, with title page, two-page inscription to James Carleton Young, index listing poems. Poems: The souls' sanctuary, A prayer, Cui Bono, Sic vos mon vobis, Evening on the Broads, The Virgin Martyr, Mates, The winged mariners, Tomorrow, Nightfall on Australian hills, What of the Night?, Sonnets: - Influence, Despair, Faith, Peace.

Cambridge, Ada, 1844-1926

Scrapbooks, 1915-1917

  • F3713
  • File
  • 1915-1917.

2 volumes of newspaper cuttings, mostly from the Courier-Mail, about Queensland Premier T.J. Ryan pasted onto pages. One volume contains cuttings dated 1915 - 1916, the other dated 1917. Some handwritten notes and annotations on inside covers of one volume.

Nutter Buzacott Papers

  • F3761
  • File
  • 1979

Seven letters to Ted Dunn responding to his request for information about Nutter Buzacott, or Buz. Correspondents are: Grahame King, Alan Marshall, Jim Wright, Murray Young, William Constable, and Noel Counihan. All letters were written in October 1979. One sheet of foolscap paper with photocopies of newspaper cuttings from the late 1930s and early 1940s about Nutter Buzacott. Two CDs of oral history interviews with his wife Winnie Buzacott. Catalogue from The Redcliffe Art Content Thirteenth Annual Exhibition, 20th August to 13th September 1969. Photocopy of the covers [designed by Buzacott?] of The big crush : what everyone should know about the CSR sugar monopoly and Who own Queensland by Pete Thomas.

Dunn, Ted

Merle Thornton Papers

  • F3774
  • File
  • ca. 1965-2007.

Recordings by Merle Thornton for external University of Queensland Government students taking her subject 'Introduction to Women's Studies in Politics'. Two recordings of interview (duration 32:12 and 32:56) of visiting British feminist Juliet Mitchell. Topics dealt with include: various aspects of the oppression of women, the division of labour and role of women in society, class, Capitalism and the quest for gender equality, sexuality's role in character formation, Freudian and post-Freudian positions on feminism. Accompanied by a pamphlet 'Why should women be able to drink in bars', and bibliography.

Thornton, Merle, 1930-

First grade scoreboards and statistics, 1912-2012

  • F3794
  • File
  • 1912-2012.

Scrapbooks containing newspaper cuttings, scorecards and other statistical information relating to the University of Queensland Cricket Club. William Edward Pender (WEP) Harris and his brother, John Harris had compiled records from the Club's beginning in 1912 to 1940. After the Club's records were inadvertently thrown out, John Biggs worked to restore the records for 1912 to 1940 but continued to collate them as a century project.

Biggs, John

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