You pass this way only once: reflections of a trade union leader, 1974
- F1444
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- 1974
Ms. with additional notes and some correspondence with D.J. Murphy, editor.
Published by Colonial Press, Stafford in 1974.
Nolan, Frank
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You pass this way only once: reflections of a trade union leader, 1974
Ms. with additional notes and some correspondence with D.J. Murphy, editor.
Published by Colonial Press, Stafford in 1974.
Nolan, Frank
Militant Minority Movement
[Contributions book], 1949-1964.
Bound notebook containing membership receipts for F. W. Kurz's membership of the Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia Queensland Branch.
Kurz, F. W. (Frederick Wilhelm)
Trade Union Rights Committee
Slow death in the Sunshine State. Brisbane, 1985, 2 p.
Trade Union Support Group
Reinstate all the sacked linesmen. Repeal all anti-union legislation. Brsibane, 1985, 2 p.
Trade Union Support Group
Peoples' Parliament in the Park, 20th August. Brisbane, (1985) 1 p.
Trade Union Support Group