Kalaw Kawaw Ya language Y2



Scope note(s)

Source note(s)

  • Austlang, accessed online 8-Apr-2021.

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Kalaw Kawaw Ya language Y2

Equivalent terms

Kalaw Kawaw Ya language Y2

  • UF Kalaw Kawaw Ya/Kalaw Lagaw Ya, Kala Lagaw Ya, Gudang, Kaurareg, Moait, Moalaig, Bo:gu, Buglial, Bulgai, Dauan Saibai, Kowrarega, Karualaig, Dauan, Boigu, Saibai, Torres Strait Islander language, Torres Strait Islander people.

Associated terms

Kalaw Kawaw Ya language Y2

5 Archival description results for Kalaw Kawaw Ya language Y2

5 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Bruce A. Sommer Papers

  • UQFL476
  • Collection
  • 1964-2003

Research materials relating to Central Cape York Peninsular languages collected from 1964 to 2003. Collection includes grammars, lexical material and text material from Oykangand. Materials comprise written notes, critical literature, theses, data CDs, audio cassettes and reel to reel tape recordings.
Collection includes tape list and introduction to collection, both by Dr Sommer. Fryer Library listing provides access to relevant box.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that audio recordings in this resource contain material of a personal or sexual nature which may cause embarrassment or offence. Manuscript papers may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased and could contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms and descriptions.

Sommer, B. A. (Bruce A.)

Myths and legends of Torres Strait : field tape report sheets.

  • F406
  • Item
  • 1966-1973.

This is comprised primarily of photocopies. Field tape report sheets are headed 'Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. Collector Margaret Lawrie'.

F406a : Field tape report sheets, including Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Tape Archive accession sheets (typescript and handwritten) (56 leaves); 3 leaves handwritten index to tapes; 6 leaves typescript article on Torres Strait Islands by Margaret Lawrie, for the New Australian Encyclopaedia. F406b : Field tape report sheets (typescript and handwritten)(49 leaves).

Lawrie, Margaret Elizabeth, 1917-2003

Saibai Language Grammar

'Saibai Language Grammar' written on cover of book. Handwritten in Kalaw Kawaw Ya. Written in a Quill Exercise book. Cover has come away. Inserted are two leaves with handwritten poems in English.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Saibai Language Vocab

Saibai Language Vocab.' written on cover of book. Handwritten A to Z list of Kalaw Kawaw Ya words and their English translation. Written in a Quill Exercise book. Cover has come away.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Notebooks on Saibai and Mer languages

  • F3110
  • File
  • 1946-1958

Four handwritten notebooks by R.V. Miles with the titles: Mer vocab; Mer grammar; Saibai language vocab; Saibai language grammar. Undated; dates assumed to be from time Miles was a teacher in the Torres Strait Islands.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993