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Mura ngulaig

  • F680
  • File
  • 1972

Two volume book, printed by B. & A. Simpson and Young Bani, privately produced at Mabuiag, Torres Strait, 1972, for sale to schoolchildren and interested adults. Written in Mabuiag dialect. Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 accompanied by information about Buddy Simpson from the donor ( 2 pages on 1 leaf, handwritten). Titles: Mura ngulaig : Ngath nin ngurpaik and Mura ngulaig II : Na ngath lak nin ngurpaik.

Simpson, Buddy

Florence Elizabeth James-Wallace photograph albums

  • F831
  • File
  • 1915-1916.

Two photograph albums containing 167 photographs. Includes photographs of Luxor, Cairo, Australian military hospitals in Egypt, Anzac beach, Australian military hospitals and personnel on Lemnos Island off Gallipoli, and Queenslanders who served in No. 3, Australian General Hospital, Australian Army Medical Corps. James-Wallace and nurses of the 3AGH were photographed by Private Albert William Savage, from whom it is said James-Wallace purchased 116 photographs. Handwritten captions with each photograph. Second album labelled: 'Lemnos Photos.'

James-Wallace, Florence Elizabeth, 1886-1970

Manuscript for Hart : poems

  • F970
  • File
  • 1973-1974.

Typescript and handwritten poems, with ms emendations, for the book Hart : poems, 1974. Accompanied by some "exercise" poems plus some poems included in Selected poems 1939-1975.

Blight, John, 1913-

The ship on the coin

  • F307
  • File
  • 1973

Typescript, with handwritten additions. Working draft of the novel The ship on the coin ( 'The New Cleopatra'), published in 1972 by University of Queensland Press. Accompanied by a covering letter to the Fryer Librarian, dated 19 Feb 1973. Also included is the first sketch for a poem, later published in The Autobiography of a Gorgon.

Hall, Rodney, 1935-

Letters, Grace Perry and Rodney Hall

  • F311
  • File
  • 1966

Two letters to Grace Perry, one letter from Grace Perry to Rodney Hall, and one letter from Rodney Hall to the Fryer Librarian. Includes: Two signed, typescript letters, dated 18 Jan 1966 and 25 Jan 1966 to to Grace Perry regarding the publication of Eyewitness : poems, written by Rodney Hall ; letter dated 13 Jan 1966 to Rodney Hall from Grace Perry, on letterhead of South Head Press, on same topic ; and letter dated 2 Apr 1972 from Rodney Hall to Fryer Librarian donating the three letters to the library.

Hall, Rodney, 1935-

Archibald Ernest Edgar Pearse Papers

  • F473
  • File
  • [1930?] -1973.

2 poems : 'To England : 1919' (2 leaves), 'Epilogue to war poems' (3 leaves); one article, "Addendum to tape-recording made by me for the Fryer Memorial Library at Queensland University on 26.11.73' (1 leaf). Article concerns P.R. Stephensen and accusations of treason against him and leaders of the Australia First Movement.

Pearse, Archibald Ernest Edgar, 1897-1987

Newspaper cutting and note about the poem Doomed by Margaret Compton Saunders

  • F2011
  • File
  • 1939

Newspaper cutting of the poem Doomed by Margaret Compton (June) Sauders that Kath Watson removed from the The Courier-Mail, 5 Jan 1939, p. 3. Accompanied by a typescript note written by Kath Thomas in July 1979 about the poem.

Included with the poem and note in an envelope with the handwritten inscription "Enclosed in 1942 Australian Poetry (from Flexmore Hudson) and the Christmas Greetings from Rex Ingamells, and F.H. Jindyworobak 1943", with two small handwritten notes from Rex Ingamells and Flexmore Hudson, thanking Kath Watson for her contribution to poetry.

Thomas, Kath, 1911-1994

Results 1 to 10 of 3260