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' Karrala. 1967. May. Jun. Sept. Karrala House'

Karrala House formed part of the female ward of the Ipswich Mental Hospital accommodating 'wayward' and 'delinquent' girls. It was run by the Queensland State Government from 1963 to 1971 when it closed. This file contains: correspondence including carbon copies of letters to the editor of the Courier Mail from Harry Throssell; newspaper cuttings from May to December 1967; typescript copy of a 'Submission in relation to Karrala House' from the Council of Social Service Queensland, Child Welfare Standing Committe, May 1967; typescript copy of 'Some notes on Karrala House' by the Council of Social Service Queensland, Child Welfare Standing Committee, with handwritten inscription on last page 'HT Lecturer in Social Work, U. of Q. [9 Feb 1967]'. Written on cover of original folder ' Karrala. 1967. May. Jun. Sept. Karrala House'

‘Charley’, portrait taken in 1898

Side profile of an Aboriginal Australian boy. The handwritten notes accompanying a print of the negative in Series A Item 1 identifies him as 'Charley, a Dalleburra boy, aged about 16'.

Bennett, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie), 1881-1961

‘Ko Bro’ portrait taken in 1896

A photograph of a side profile photograph of an Aboriginal Australian man. The handwritten notes accompanying a print of the negative in Series A Item 1 identifies him as 'Ko-bro (Barney) ... Dalleburra Tribe'.

Bennett, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie), 1881-1961

‘Ko Bro’, portrait taken in 1896

A photograph of a side profile photograph of an Aboriginal Australian man. The handwritten notes accompanying a print of the negative in Series A Item 1 identifies him as 'Ko-bro (Barney) ... Dalleburra Tribe'.

Bennett, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie), 1881-1961

‘Ko Bro’, portrait taken in 1898

A photograph of a side profile photograph of an Aboriginal Australian man. The handwritten notes accompanying a print of the negative in Series A Item 1 identifies him as 'Ko-bro (Barney) ... 1898 (shortly before his death), Dalleburra Tribe'.

Bennett, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie), 1881-1961

‘Ko Bro, Wyma and friends’

Photograph of a group photograph of three Aboriginal Australian men standing behind three seated Aboriginal Australian women. The handwritten notes accompanying a print of the negative in Series A Item 1 identifies one of the men (standing on the right) and one of the women (sitting on the right) as 'Barney (Ko-bro) and his wife Bessy ... Dalleburra Tribe'. Barney (Ko-bro) is wearing a king plate. One of the women is holding a baby in her lap. The arm and lower body of a fourth man is also in frame.

Bennett, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie), 1881-1961

‘Kyra’, portrait taken in 1898

Portrait of an Aboriginal Australian man. The handwritten notes accompanying a print of the negative in Series A Item 1 identifies him as 'Kyra, Koorookilla section of the Dalleburra Tribe, son of Barney'.

Bennett, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie), 1881-1961

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