Gurindji people C20



Scope note(s)

  • Synonyms: Gurindji, Kuurrinjtji, Gurinji, Kartangarurru, Korindji, Kurintji, Malngin, Tjial, Wandjira, Coorinji, Corringi, Garundji, Goarango, Guirindji, Gurindzi, Gurrinji, Guurindji, Koorangie, Kooringee, Kwarandji, Kwaranjee, We arr ung

Source note(s)

  • Austlang, accessed online 24-Feb-2021.

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Gurindji people C20

Equivalent terms

Gurindji people C20

Associated terms

Gurindji people C20

5 Archival description results for Gurindji people C20

5 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Circular letter regarding Wattie Creek land rights

Duplicated typescript circular letter from the Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights (Inc.) regarding the 10 July 1968 announcement of the Australian Government's decision against granting land at Wattie Creek, Northern Territory, to the Gurindji people. It summarises the reaction of the Gurindji people, including Vincent Lingiari, after George Gibbs broke the news to the community. Also mentions Mick Rangiari, Vestey Brothers, Limbunya Station, Wave Hill, and the Wailbri people. Ends with a call for support to protest the decision.

Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights

Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights Newsletter

Newsletter by the Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights, dated 28 October 1966. The front page reports the activities of the NTCAR and a visit by two of its members to Newcastle Waters Station, the site of striking workers. Also mentions Wave Hill Station and Vincent Lingiari. The verso contains articles on unpaid award wages by the Vestey Brothers and issues of Aboriginal child labour on the stations (the name Billy Campbell is mentioned), as well as a summary of the support received from various other groups and organisations relating to the strikes.

Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights

Wattie Creek report

Duplicated typescript report prepared by Stan Pelclczynski, Treasurer of the Federal Council for Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, dated 29 August 1974. Pelclczynski recounts a visit to spend time with the Gurindji people at Wattie Creek between 27 July and 9 August 1974. Also mentions Cheryl Buchanan and Wave Hill.

Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders

Letter from New South Wales secretary for the FCAATSI

Covering letter, addressed to 'Dear Sir' from Faith Bandler, New South Wales Secretary, Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. The letter is about the claim of the Aboriginal people of the Gurindji community being permitted to occupy their lands in the Wave Hill and Limbunya regions of the Northern Territory. Also mentions Wattie Creek. The letter refers to an attached letter to the federal government but this letter is not present. The letter is typescript, with a handwritten note in pen to 'Ted' (possibly Ted Edgan) from 'F.H.' (possibly Frank Hardy).

Bandler, Faith