Gureng Gureng (Australian people)



Scope note(s)

Source note(s)

  • LCSH sh2001006101

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Gureng Gureng (Australian people)

Equivalent terms

Gureng Gureng (Australian people)

  • UF Curanggurang (Australian people)
  • UF Gooranggorang (Australian people)
  • UF Gooreng Gooreng (Australian people)
  • UF Guranggurang (Australian people)
  • UF Guren Guren (Australian people)
  • UF Gurenggureng (Australian people)
  • UF Korenggoreng (Australian people)
  • UF Korrengkorreng (Australian people)

Associated terms

Gureng Gureng (Australian people)

4 Archival description results for Gureng Gureng (Australian people)

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Aboriginal tribes in the Woocoo Shire

  • F2220
  • Item
  • [1972?]

Typescript (duplicated), which includes descriptive information about the Kabi tribe, an account of conflict between white settlers and local indigenous people in about 1849, and an account of indigenous customs at Mt. Mowbollan. Includes bibliography.

Woocoo Historical Society

Gurang Gurang (Mt Perry to Bundaberg)

Handwritten anthropological field notes and reports.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Tennant-Kelly, Caroline, 1899-1989

Barambah Kinship and other Queensland Aboriginal communities

Handwritten and typed anthropological field notes, reports, correspondence between Kelly and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Sydney, and draft papers relating to various aspects of Kelly’s field work in Queensland Aboriginal communities. Titles of some of the papers include 'Christianity and the native', 'Religion', 'Fight among the Kaingbul', and 'Notes on the retention of ritual and customs among missionised natives'. There is one untitled paper in which the first line reads 'This paper forms portion of a study of the impact of European culture upon the Aborigines of New South Wales'.

List of full or partial names of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals mentioned in the file.

? Brown [first name not provided]
Mr Perkins
Bob Eubbard / Bob Hubbard

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource contains mention of funeral rites and burial ceremonies. It also may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Tennant-Kelly, Caroline, 1899-1989

Tribal Boundaries

Anthropological field notes and reports, mostly handwritten. Also contains a folded map titled 'Map showing the distribution of the Aboriginal tribes of Australia by Norman B. Tindale 1940'.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource contains mention of funeral rites and burial ceremonies. It also may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Tennant-Kelly, Caroline, 1899-1989