Album of studio portraits from various studios in Australia and overseas
- F3477
- Item
- 18--
87 sepia photographs (19 x 13 cm and smaller) loose mounted between board. Photographs have no captions.
Photographic studios include: Albert Lomer Brisbane, American Photo and Watch Repairing Tamworth, B. Boake Sydney, Batchelder & Co Melbourne, Biggingee Sorabjee Pochee Ipswich, Brand Sydney, Brown & Bailey, C. Roggenkamp Warwick, Carl Sydney, Collis Canterbury, David Scott Sydney, E. B. Cardell Roma, E. Rusfeldt Sydney, Frisco Photo Co. (G. A.Tissington Manager), G. H. Nicholas Sydney, G. H. Spragg West Maitland, Geo L. Massingham Toowoomba, H. Poulsen Warwick, J. Audet Sydney, J. Hubert Newman Sydney, J. Roarty Sydney, J. T. Gorus Sydney, L. Suscirj Roma (Italy), Lock & Whitfield 178 Regent Street [Sydney]?, Lomers Sydney, M. Moss West Maitland, Marquis Brisbane, Metcalfe & Millington, Newman and Co. Sydney, Page & Murray Roma, Poul C. Poulsen Brisbane and Maryborough, R. J. Cottell Roma Qld., Raphael Tuck and Sons London, Shelton Brothers Ipswich, Stewart & Co. Melbourne, Westfield & Co. Calcutta, and W. H. Schroeder George St Haymarket.