Women and communism -- Australia



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Women and communism -- Australia

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Women and communism -- Australia

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Women and communism -- Australia

3 Archival description results for Women and communism -- Australia

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  • F2479
  • File
  • 1927

This file is comprised six items. There are three typescripts: 'My first ten years - some memories of party life' which is about participation in Communist Party activities in the 1940s (7 leaves, typescript, with handwritten emendations); 'Val', which is about Val Fraser (colleague in the Communist Party) (4 leaves, typescript, with handwritten emendations); and four typescript leaves recalling her early childhood years at Wynnum and Lindum with a handwritten note on the first page 'written a good few years back'. All are undated. There are two newspapers cuttings of Kath Watson in Somerville House Sports Teams from 1925 and 1927; and an 'Where is it book?' (Ancol notebook) listing women to include in the 1978 Woman and Labor papers, undated but possibly from 1978.

Thomas, Kath, 1911-1994

Daisy Marchisotti Papers

  • UQFL156
  • Collection
  • 1905-1985

Correspondence, newspaper cuttings, articles, cards, photographs, publications, typescripts, manuscripts, booklets, notebooks, diaries, theatre programmes, agendas, constitutions, minutes, reports, receipts, accounts, legislation, research material, notes, press statements, propaganda, submissions, tapes, posters, plans, family history, map, Aboriginal flag.
Bulk of papers from 1961 to 1982.

Marchisotti, Daisy Elizabeth, 1904-1987

Kath Thomas Papers

  • UQFL175
  • Collection
  • 1954-1981

This collection concentrates in particular on the equal pay campaigns inside the trade union movement, and reveals the contribution of women in labour struggles in Queensland. Includes Labour history material, historical leaflets, various minutes of the Trades and Labour Council (Qld) Equal Pay Committee and A.C.T.U., news clippings, research notes and submissions, correspondence and research notes of the A.M.I.E.U. and the U.A.W.

Thomas, Kath, 1911-1994