Meriam Mir language Y3



Scope note(s)

Source note(s)

  • Austlang, accessed online 8-Apr-2021.

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Meriam Mir language Y3

Equivalent terms

Meriam Mir language Y3

  • UF East Torres, Miriam, Meryam Mir, Meriam, Boigu, Buibatyalli, Errob, Erub, Garamir, Gaurareg, Maer, Maralaig, Mer, Meryam, Morolag, Sabai, Saibai, Tagota, Ugar, Torres Strait Islander language, Torres Strait Islander people

Associated terms

Meriam Mir language Y3

4 Archival description results for Meriam Mir language Y3

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Notebooks on Saibai and Mer languages

  • F3110
  • File
  • 1946-1958

Four handwritten notebooks by R.V. Miles with the titles: Mer vocab; Mer grammar; Saibai language vocab; Saibai language grammar. Undated; dates assumed to be from time Miles was a teacher in the Torres Strait Islands.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Mer Vocab

'Mer vocab' written on cover of book. Handwritten A to Z list of Meriam Mir words with their English translation. Written in a Signal Exercise Book. Inserted into book: two leaves (leaves have been torn) with Meriam Mir words; one leaf inserted with a poem - the title is in English 'The cat and the rat', the poem is in Meriam Mir.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Mer - Grammar

'Mer - Grammar' written on cover of book. Handwritten in Meriam Mir. Written in a Signal Exercise Book. Back cover has come away and middle pages have come away from staples. Some water damage to bottom left-hand side of book. Twenty three loose pages inserted, many with handwritten Meriam Mir language, in pencil or pen, and some double sided. Inserted is also a playscript, handwritten in pencil on 12 leaves (some have writing on reverse), in Meriam Mir language (5 leaves) and English (7 leaves) and tells the story of a Barber in Bagdad.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Bruce Rigsby Papers

  • UQFL302
  • Collection
  • 1967-1989.

Papers relating to the Relics Advisory Committee within the Queensland Ministry for Aboriginal and Island Affairs and later within the Archaeology Branch of the Department of Aboriginal and Islanders Advancement. The papers contain correspondence, reports, newspaper cuttings and journal articles relevant to the Committee's decisions under the Aboriginal Relics Preservation Act 1967-1976. In addition the collection includes: notebooks, recordings, videos and photographs related to his linguistic and ethnographic works in Queensland; and papers relating to research, teaching, administrations and applied work (especially native title)..

Rigsby, Bruce