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Labor unions -- Queensland -- History
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Diary of shearer's strike, 1891

  • F337
  • Item
  • 1891

One notebook, containing a diary covering events in Hughenden from March to July of 1891.
Accompanied by a note about the Wyatt diary by Richard Fotheringham (1 leaf; handwritten).
Also accompanied by a transcript of the diary written by Alan Anderson circa 1985 (26 l., 33 cm, handwritten) and a typescript copy of the transcript with pencil annotations made by Fryer Library staff (12 l., 30 cm).

Wyatt, Charles Thomas, 1871-1902

Cecily Cameron Papers

  • UQFL439
  • Collection
  • 1889-1992

Correspondence, minutes, reports, bulletins, flyers, photographs and notes relating to the Trades and Labor Council of Queensland and its Secretary from 1952 until 1969, Alex Macdonald. Includes Labour Day flyers from the 1890s and anti-conscription flyers and posters from World War One.

It includes: material produced by the Trades and Labor Council or directly relating to TLC activities, mainly in the postwar period; TLC material and material relating to political and industrial issues in which the TLC was involved; material produced by or relating to the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), individual Australian trade unions and the international peak trade union bodies; documents and publications relating to pre-World War Two trade union history including Queensland trade union history, Australian trade union history, and international trade union history; and documents, newspapers and newspaper cuttings relating to the Communist Party of Australia and world communism, 1968-1969 which is mainly concerned with CPA congresses and CPA deliberations over the direction of the Party and world communism, particularly in relation to events in Czechoslovakia.

Cameron, Cecily, 1934-2007

Annual meeting in Town Hall, Blackall, 1890

  • F490
  • Item
  • 1890

Copy of advertisement for annual meeting held 8th Dec. 1890. Lists agenda. Authorised by W. Kewley, Secretary.

Queensland Shearers' Union

Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Queensland Branch Records

  • UQFL427
  • Collection
  • 1899-1997

Records of the Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union (Queensland Branch) and its predecessor organisations, and arbitration court records relating to cases involving the AMIEU.

Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Queensland Branch

Results 1 to 10 of 15