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'Colour Bar' Hotel

  • F2122
  • Item
  • 14 Jul 1964

Original song sheet, one leaf, with music and lyrics by Bill Jones, handwritten in pen on printed musical staff. The name 'Dot Rass' is noted in pencil at the top right corner. Dated 7 July 1964. The lyrics relate to racial segregation in public houses (pubs). It is accompanied by a sheet of handwritten lyrics, same date.

Jones, Billy, 1935-2012

Diary kept at Banka Banka Station

  • F2619
  • Item
  • 1959

Records daily weather conditions, station activities, work undertaken. Written in a Week on a Page Invicta Australian Economic Diary No. 7 : 1959. For almost every day there is an entry giving the temperature for the day, wind direction, rain and weather details. Activities noted for each day include who went to do which farm repairs, what creeks were running, goods and mail deliveries, illnesses, arrivals and visitors. There is a brief entry on 17 March, saying Philip (Ted) Ward had died in Longreach. There are general references to Australian Aboriginal peoples employed on the station, without names. Daily entries have been written by several people, some in third person and some in first person. There are no financial or asset statements or lists of workers. Inside cover has contact details for selected friends and relatives, like DL and V Edwards.
Includes colour negative of painting of Banka Banka Station by Hilda Tuxworth.

Banka Banka Station (N.T.)

Jennie Scott Griffiths, 1903-1943

  • F1722
  • Item
  • 1945-1959

Bound duplicated scrapbook containing papers relating to Jennie Scott Griffiths. The papers comprise typescript poetry, newspaper cuttings of her poems and articles about Scott Griffiths, and correspondence either sent or received by her. Correspondents include the Australian Journalists' Association, Workers' Educational Association of New South Wales, Leon Herbert Spencer Brodzky (Spencer Brodney), and the Central Women's Organising Committee of the Australian Labor Party. Most of the cuttings of poetry are attributed to 'Jennie Wilson', a pen name. Also includes several pages of biographical information about Scott Griffiths by an unknown author, possibly her son. The date range in the title of the scrapbook is possibly a reference to when the works were written and/or published.

The poems, 68 in total, include: 'Fidelis'; 'I ask you'; 'Treasure'; 'The talisman'; 'Liberty'; 'Victory'; 'Toward the light'; 'The woman'; 'Resurgent'; 'Conflict'; 'Fame'; 'Vignette'; 'I have lived'; 'Completion'; 'A tropical island'; 'Sa Vucisa (I'm lazy)'; 'We are the mummers'; 'Luck'; 'Give me the road'; 'One asks for naught'; 'No Christian nations'; 'I should be glad'; 'Modern romance'; 'Fragments'; 'A Tukelau [Tokelau] burial chant'; 'The open gate'; 'Old George'; 'Law'; 'The boat'; 'The flag'; 'Palm trees'; 'I am my own'; 'An idyl'; 'It is not death I fear'; 'The woman speaks'; 'Why shouldn't you die?'; 'Less than'; 'To an enlisted son'; 'Remembering'; 'Meat'; 'Cycle'; 'I hold you bound'; 'Then'; 'Sanctuary'; 'Past'; 'To his wife - to his mistress'; 'Mental'; 'Whence and whither'; 'You are as free'; 'Men are marching'; 'Saved'; 'When pigeons fly at evening time'; 'No questions asked'; 'The messengers'; 'The friend'; 'A birthday wish'; 'The altar'; 'Courage'; 'The war-makers'; 'When I am dead'; 'Regret'; 'Courage' (2); 'My house'; 'Gulls'; 'Fate'; 'Pago Pago'; 'For I am dead'; and 'To a vanished tree'.

Griffiths, Jennie Scott, 1875-1951

Photograph album of reproductions of artworks from various European galleries and museums, and photographs of Europe, New York and Queensland

  • F3470
  • Item
  • 1890-1920

Album containing 83 black and white, sepia-toned and coloured photographs and prints, including chromolithograph and Photocrom prints, of various sizes mounted on boards. The album belonged to the Mayne family. Some photographs have printed captions and/or studio imprints. Studios represented include Francis Ellis & W. Hayward (London), Detroit Photographic Company, and G. Brogi. None of the photographs or prints are dated. Some boards are blank.

The photographs feature: European scenery, mostly in France; reproductions of artworks, including The Blind Beggar by Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans, The Maid and the Magpie by Samuel Cousins (after Edward Landseer), Venus de Milo, Circe And Her Swine by Briton Rivière, The Valley of the Llugwy by Benjamin Williams Leader, A Woman and a Fish-pedlar in a Kitchen by Willem van Mieris, The Broken Pitcher by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, The Girl at the Gate by Sir George Clausen, Dignity and Impudence by Sir Edwin Landseer, The Return of Judith with the Head of Holophernes by Sandro Botticelli, and Fortitude, also by Sandro Boticelli; portraits of Native Americans, including Ute Chief Severo and his family; views of Manhattan, New York City, some by William Henry Jackson; and views of North Queensland, including Barron Falls, Fig Tree, Herberton, and the Hanging Rock at Chillagoe. Also includes one photograph of an unidentified Australian homestead, possibly in Queensland, depicting individuals who appear to be Aboriginal Australian and/or Torres Strait Islander and Caucasian, along with an emu, on the verandah.

Mayne, James O'Neil, 1861-1939

Notebook of vocabulary of Aboriginal dialects

  • F1072
  • Item
  • 1855

Photocopy of handwritten notebook of vocabulary and phrases in Aboriginal languages, Queensland. Original notebook about 150 leaves, 16cm. Inside front cover of original : "W. Ridley, Minister of the Gospel, 21 February, 1855'.

Ridley, William, 1819-1878

Photocopy of Esili Peter's notebook

  • F675
  • Item
  • 1939-1957

Photocopy of a handwritten notebook written by Eseli Peter or Peter Eseli (he was know by both names) of Mabuiag, West Torres Strait. Torres Strait Islander names are spelled in a variety of ways in English, changing with time: this photocopied manuscript has 'Esili'. Peter Eseli wrote his notebook in Kala Lagaw Ya. First page of photocopy has brief notes about provenance from donor, Margaret Lawrie.

Peter, Esili, 1886-1958

Tall ballads series : crying crocodile and the tallest tree in Aussie

  • F2322
  • Item
  • 1965-1967

Original song sheet titled 'Crying crocodile', one leaf, with music and lyrics by Bill Jones, handwritten in pen on printed musical staff, accompanied by a sheet of lyrics, also titled 'Crying crocodile', one leaf, handwritten in pen on note paper. The name 'Dot Rass' is noted in pen on the verso of this lyrics sheet. Also includes a sheet of lyrics titled 'The tallest tree in Aussie', handwritten in pen on note paper. The name 'Dot Rass' is noted in pencil in the top right corner. A note at the top of each leaf states the songs are from the "Tall Ballads" series.

Jones, Billy, 1935-2012

Rubber and rice

  • F2305
  • Item
  • 1965

Original song sheet, one leaf, with music by Bill Jones and lyrics by Vic Williams, handwritten in pen on hand-drawn musical staff. The lyrics refer to the Vietnam War.

Williams, Victor, 1914-

Freedom ride

  • F2320
  • Item
  • 1961-1965

Original song sheet, one leaf, with music and lyrics by Bill Jones, handwritten in pen on hand-drawn musical staff. Original typescript lyrics have been cut and pasted onto the bottom of the son sheet. The name 'Dot Rass' is noted in pencil at the top right corner. Undated. The lyrics possibly relate to the 1961 Freedom Rides in the United States, or the 1965 Freedom Ride in New South Wales, Australia, coordinated by the Student Action for Aborigines (SAFA).

Jones, Billy, 1935-2012

Aborigine brother

  • F2325
  • Item
  • 1965-1967

Original song sheet, one leaf, with music and lyrics by Bill Jones, handwritten in pen on printed musical staff. Undated. The lyrics relate to the arrival of the British in Australia and the impact on the Indigenous Aboriginal peoples. The name 'Dot Rass' is noted in pencil at the top right corner. Verso contains blank printed musical staff.

Jones, Billy, 1935-2012

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