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William A. Amiet Papers

  • UQFL71
  • Collection
  • 1903-1959

This collection consists of the diaries of William Albert Amiet from 1903 to 1959, scrapbooks of collected newspaper articles by Amiet, incoming correspondence and other works.

Amiet, William A. (William Albert), 1890-1959

Albert McDonald Diaries

  • UQFL503
  • Collection
  • 1864-1884

Photocopies of handwritten and typescript diaries of Albert McDonald. Includes diary of Fanny Rowland McDonald for 30 Nov 1884 - 23 Dec 1884. Diaries 12 Dec 1864 to 30 Mar 1865, and 19 Sep 1864 to 23 Dec 1864 are in different handwriting to others. Albert McDonald lived in the Maryborough region.

McDonald, Albert, 1839-1904

Memorandum to the General Assembly of the United Nations relating to racism and racial discrimination in Australia

Duplicated typescript memorandum to the United Nations from the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. Invites the United Nations to visit Australia and participate in the examination of racism and racial discrimination in Australia. Prepared by a sub-committee consisting of Faith Bandler, John S. Baker and Dr Barry Christophers.

Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders

Letter regarding the trust fund system in Queensland

Typescript form letter to accompany a statement and campaign leaflet about abolishing the trust fund system in Queensland (no attachments) on letterhead of the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. The letter has no attachments and is written and signed in pen by Barry Christophers, Executive Member, F.C.A.A. & T.S.I.

Christophers, Barry E. (Barry Eastwood), 1922-

"Trust Fund" should end now!

Duplicated typescript flyer circulated by the Council for Aboriginal Affairs (Victoria) on behalf of the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders agreeing with the Country Party of Victoria that the Trust Fund system in Queensland should end. Includes a resolution for 1971 that the Commonwealth Banking Corporation should dissociate itself from this fund by 21 March 1971. Second leaf contains a list of people campaigners can contact to demonstrate support for the campaign.

Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders

J. P. Donoghue Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL225
  • Collection
  • 1929-1937

Includes tracings, drawings, blueprints and linens, mostly of the Holy Spirit Church at Villiers Street, New Farm, drawings of a Catholic Church in Coolangatta, Stanthorpe residence for Dr. Masel in 1937, Federal Deposit Bank in Queen Street, Leichhardt Hotel Spring Hotel.

Donoghue, J. P. (John Patrick), 1894-1960

C. W. T. Fulton Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL224
  • Collection
  • 1940

Plans of proposed residence to be erected in Grosvenor Parade Indooroopilly for C.W.T. Fulton in 1940.

Fulton, Charles William Thomas, 1906-1988

R. P. Cummings Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL223
  • Collection
  • 1925-1939

The architectural drawings in this collection were prepared in Brisbane for the Wattle Day League Scholarship, drawings prepared while R P Cummings was a student at the Architectural Association, London, including his successful submission for the Rome Scholarship, and drawings prepared in Rome, including measured drawings and reconstructions.

Cummings, R. P. (Robert Percy), 1900-1989

Vibert McKirdy Brown Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL222
  • Collection
  • 1926-1940

Vibert McKirdy Brown worked as an architect in North Queensland in the first half of the 20th century. He drew plans for churches, schools, presbyteries, residential houses, hotels, stores, the Atherton hospital and silos for the Atherton Tablelands Maize Board. Most of the buildings were constructed. Some have since been demolished. Two have been heritage listed: the 1930s extension to the Bolands Centre in Cairns and Exchange Hotel in Mossman.

Brown, Vibert McKirdy, 1887-1957

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