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Letter patent, 1899 December 4

  • F598
  • Item
  • 1899

Letter patent from Queen Victoria, requiring that assistance be given to Ernst Ritter Meurig von Sarnfeld in his position as consul for Austria-Hungary at Calcutta.

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901

Diary, 1892-1906

  • F599
  • Item
  • 1892-1906.

Handwritten diary in German . Xerox copy, German transcripts and English translations included . Transcripts prepared by Gunther M. Bonnin, translation by Dell Bleakley. Also article on Coleyville District by H. Mandelkow, and photocopy of passenger list of 'Grasbrook' (original list in Hamburg State Archives).

Vonderheid, Phillipp Ludwig, 1825-

Letters, 1954-1960 : to F. W. Robinson.

  • F608
  • Item
  • 1954-1960.

2 letters (one typescript, one handwritten) regarding author's First Fleet index and other writings ; 1 letter (handwritten) regarding query on Aboriginal names.

White, H. R.

The blood vote

  • F613
  • Item
  • [1916]

Verse written by W.R. Winspear, with cartoon illustration drawn by Claude Marquet. Real author is said to be E.J. Dempsey ; information from R.J. Cassidy to Father Hayes, 1940, in Hayes collection..

Winspear, William Robert, 1859-1944

Some native customs and beliefs of the Jinibara and neighbouring tribes, on the Brisbane and Stanley Rivers, Queensland, 1957

  • F614
  • Item
  • 1957

Based on the recollections of Gaiarbau (Willie Mackenzie) of the Jinibara tribe. Typescript. Some mss emendations. Stamp of the University of Queensland Anthropology Museum on first leaf.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned material may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms and descriptions that mentions cannibalism and sexual activities. In particular, women should be cautious when reviewing this this item as it includes aspects of traditional Men's Business.

Winterbotham, L. P. (Lindsey Page)

Manual, shearers disturbances, 1894

  • F628
  • Item
  • 1894

Handwritten manual prepared for Justices of the Peace, Police Special Constables and other offices of the law. Author unknown.

Garibaldi Lodge minute book, 1861-1862

  • F638
  • Item
  • 1853-1862.

Handwritten exercise book. Inside front cover: Garibaldi Lodge, Sandy Creek, Tarnagulla. Accompanied by small booklet entitled, Bye-laws of the Castlemaine district of the Manchester Unity I.O.O.F., 1853.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

A Tyneside worthy

  • F642
  • Item
  • 1897

Paper about Joseph Hickman read at the Tyneside Club, Birmingham, England, November 27 1897, by Mr George H. Haswell . 10 leaves typescript, transcribed from a cutting from "Tyneside Weekly Chronicle' (undated). Also transcripts of three letters from John Williams to his niece Elizabeth Grimshaw, nee Williams, written 1884.

Haswell, George H.

Results 1 to 10 of 19163