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Letter patent, 1899 December 4
Letter patent, 1899 December 4
Diary, 1892-1906
Diary, 1892-1906
Letters, 1954-1960 : to F. W. Robinson.
Letters, 1954-1960 : to F. W. Robinson.
The blood vote
The blood vote
Some native customs and beliefs of the Jinibara and neighbouring tribes, on the Brisbane and Stanley Rivers, Queensland, 1957
Some native customs and beliefs of the Jinibara and neighbouring tribes, on the Brisbane and Stanley Rivers, Queensland, 1957
Manual, shearers disturbances, 1894
Manual, shearers disturbances, 1894
Garibaldi Lodge minute book, 1861-1862
Garibaldi Lodge minute book, 1861-1862
A Tyneside worthy
A Tyneside worthy
Press tributes at the time of his death
Press tributes at the time of his death
Sir Robert Philp, b. 1851-d.1922 : press tributes at the time of his death.
Sir Robert Philp, b. 1851-d.1922 : press tributes at the time of his death.
Results 1 to 10 of 19163