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General financial records

General financial records including correspondence, receipts, bank statements, cheque and deposit books, tax returns.

Writings of Vida Lahey

Two folders of handwritten notes, in pencil, determined to be by Vida Lahey.

Lahey, Vida, 1882-1968

Correspondence: Publishers, publishing and copyright

This subseries includes correspondence from Kath Walker’s publishers regarding her publications, and correspondence relating to copyright. Requests from individuals and other organisations to use Kath’s work are included in this subseries, some of which have been addressed to the publishers and some of which have been addressed directly to Kath.

Correspondence: Media organisations

This subseries includes letters from organisations and individuals asking Oodgeroo Noonuccal to appear in programs, provide content, and for permissions to use her literary works for television, film and radio productions.

Correspondence: Authors

This subseries is comprised of correspondence between Kath Walker and other authors. In some cases, letters from literary authors have been kept with other material for contextual reasons. Some letters will contain literary work. Correspondents in this folder include: Faith Bandler; John Beston; Barbara Blackman; Jack Davis; H C (Nugget) Coombs; Geoffrey Dutton; Margaret Diesendorf; Teddy Dugan; Elizabeth Eggleston; Len Fox; Judo Gemes; Al Grassby; Billy Jones; Judith Knowles; Lorna Lippman; Ward McNally; Daisy Marchisotti; Ian Mudie; Jo Nacola; Nancy Norman; Nichio Ochi; Barbara Paulter; Reg Saunders and Lyndall Ryan; Bill Scott; Margaret Shapcott; Ruth Smout; Bill Sutton; Nancy Wills; and Judith Wright.


Moongalba was established on North Stradbroke Island, by Kath Walker as a cultural education centre in 1971 with the aid of the Aboriginal Arts Board administration grants. It was visited extensively by school children, as well as teachers, students, academics, writers and others. Kath Walker was initially granted a twenty-five year lease to the land by the Redland Shire Council; this was later extended to her lifetime. However, she was never granted legal title to the land, despite the support of many influential people. In 1979 Kath Walker prepared a submission to the federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs, requesting financial assistance and support in obtaining title to the land. Her application was never answered.

Festivals and events

This subseries comprises festivals and events contributed to and/or attended by Judith Rodriguez.
Folder 1: Warana Festival, 1979 to 1993.
Folder 2: Salon A-Muse, 1982 to 1984.
Folder 3: Festival of Poets, Bhopal, India, 1988 to 1989.
Folder 4: Victorian Women Writer's Train, 1991.
Folder 5: Book of the Year, 1992.
Folder 6: Festival Franco-Anglais de Poesie, 1992, 2008 (Australia Council).
Folder 7: Documents and flyers for varioius festivals and workshops from 1974 to 1991.
Folder 8: Flyers for Events, in a folder with the heading '1981 Attended', 1978 to 1990.
Folder 9: Flyers for events, 1990 to 1991.

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