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Gubbi Gubbi (Australian people)
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Aboriginal tribes in the Woocoo Shire

  • F2220
  • Item
  • [1972?]

Typescript (duplicated), which includes descriptive information about the Kabi tribe, an account of conflict between white settlers and local indigenous people in about 1849, and an account of indigenous customs at Mt. Mowbollan. Includes bibliography.

Woocoo Historical Society

Abschol newspaper cuttings of aboriginal affairs

  • F2186
  • Item
  • 1963-1966.

Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings of aboriginal affairs, compiled for Abschol from March 1963 to July 1966.
Scrapbook includes pamphlets and postcards.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Bakker, Henny (Fokker)

Barambah Kinship and other Queensland Aboriginal communities

Anthropological field notes, reports, correspondence and draft papers relating to various aspects of Kelly’s field work in Queensland Aboriginal communities.

List of full or partial names of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals mentioned in the file.

? Brown [first name not provided]
Mr Perkins
Bob Eubbard / Bob Hubbard

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource contains mention of funeral rites and burial ceremonies. It also may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Caroline Kelly Papers

  • UQFL489
  • Collection
  • ca. 1900-1987

Personal and professional papers of Caroline Kelly, including correspondence; financial and legal papers; unpublished poetry and stories; theatre records and publications; anthropology field notes, reports and articles; photographs and newspaper cuttings.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Tennant-Kelly, Caroline, 1899-1989

Cherbourgh settlement, Thursday March 24, 1966

  • F2046
  • Item
  • 1966

Report of visit to Cherbourg Aboriginal community by R. Wright and K. Loughlin, representatives of Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia.
The visit was to investigate wage rates and employment conditions of Aboriginal Union members.

Loughlin, K. B.

Fraser's Island, Badjela

Anthropological field notes and reports.
1 notebook and 1 typed report.

List of full or partial names of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals mentioned in the file at Barambah:

Bob Simpson (Barambah)
Happy (Namboor)
George Lane (Nambunnu)
Frank Simpson (Nephew to Bob) (Yonguarboomi)
Leddie Brown (Wakanulli)
Kenny Simpson (Turrbumma)
Mrs Ada Beckett (Narrkul)
Isaac Owen (Brother to Mrs Ross)
Willie Owen (Brother to Mrs Ross)

List of full or partial names of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals mentioned in the file at Uranga:

Jack Noble (Gawongowau)
Willy Wandunna [spelling uncertain, may be Wandana]

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource contains mention of Men’s Business, Women’s Business, initiation and infanticide. It also may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Kabi Kabi

Anthropological field notes and reports.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Letter, 1965 June 15 : Brisbane, to Mrs B.G. White.

  • F803
  • Item
  • 1965

Letter to Mrs B.G. White, Buderim, in reply, re collection and preservation of aboriginal music and dancing, and encouragement of public awareness in it. Accompanied by a pencil draft of her letter to him [n.d.]

Heinze, Bernard, Sir., 1894-1982

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