Conservation of natural resources -- Queensland
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Conservation of natural resources -- Queensland
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Conservation of natural resources -- Queensland
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Conservation of natural resources -- Queensland
71 Archival description results for Conservation of natural resources -- Queensland
71 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Letter to A.L.P. branches seeking assistance in the Rescue the Rainforests campaign. Brisbane.
- FVF41-A46.1
- Item
- 1982
1 page (black and white illustrations). One page addresses the question "Why conserve rainforests?", and the other contains a letter from David Allworth to the ALP Branch, and information regarding a public meeting, to be held on Saturday, 8 May, in King George Square.
Australian Conservation Foundation
- FVF41-A46.20
- Item
- 1988
Petition to Queensland Parliament to protect Mt Etna and its caves from destruction by Queensland Cement Limited. It states that the petition was started in "November, 1988". More than half of the page is occupied by horizontal lines divided into three columns titled "Name (please print)", "Address", and "Signature". These lines do not contain any text. At the bottom there is a note to "Please return completed forms to ACF,", with an address.
Australian Conservation Foundation
Save Mt Etna - save the bats - save the caves.
- FVF41-A46.27
- Item
- 1988
Postcard, black print and picture on cream cardboard. On the front is a large black filled-in outline of a bat, with the words "SAVE MT ETNA Save the Bats - Save the Caves". On the reverse, on the left side, is a short letter with space to write in both the sender and receiver's names, with three paragraphs of information about bats living in caves in Mt Etna and the danger to them of mining this area. On the write is a rectangle in the top corner with "Place stamp here", and lines to fill in an address, with "SAVE MT ETNA" below.
Australian Conservation Foundation
- FVF41-A46.28
- Item
- 2010
Flier, folded to make three columns, arguing that Queensland's economy needs to make changes such as more use of solar power, more available public transport, and reducing pollution. Illustrations include maps, charts, and a picture of cars on a major road. The brochure is largely done in yellow, white and black.
Australian Conservation Foundation
Q'ld elections and the environment
- FVF514-C2.150
- Item
- 1972
Issued by Ecology and Resources Committee, C.P.A. Brisbane.
Communist Party of Australia
Ephemera relating to conservation and environmental issues
- FVF726
- File
- [197-?]-
Help Sooty & save Fluffy / Friends of Sooty & Fluffy. North Quay, (1977)?, 1 p.
- FVF726-Item.10
- Item
- [197-?]-
Part of Ephemera relating to conservation and environmental issues