Bundaberg map area (SE Qld SG56-02)



Scope note(s)

Source note(s)

  • AIATSIS Place Name Thesaurus, accessed online 11-Jul-2023.

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Bundaberg map area (SE Qld SG56-02)

Equivalent terms

Bundaberg map area (SE Qld SG56-02)

Associated terms

Bundaberg map area (SE Qld SG56-02)

1 Archival description results for Bundaberg map area (SE Qld SG56-02)

1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Gurang Gurang (Mt Perry to Bundaberg)

Handwritten anthropological field notes and reports.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Tennant-Kelly, Caroline, 1899-1989