Aboriginal Australians -- Employment -- Queensland



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Aboriginal Australians -- Employment -- Queensland

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Aboriginal Australians -- Employment -- Queensland

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Aboriginal Australians -- Employment -- Queensland

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Submissions to the Queensland State Government for equality of wages and working conditions for Aborigines in the pastoral industry

  • F1938
  • Item
  • 1964

Letter and duplicated typescript of submission made by the Trades and Labor Council of Queensland to the Government of Queensland seeking an end to wage discrimination against Aboriginal Australians in the pastoral industry. Both are dated 6 July 1964 and signed by A. Macdonald, General Secretary.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Trades and Labor Council of Queensland

Queensland Council for Civil Liberties briefing material : Commonwealth Games Act, street march ban, award wages on reserves

  • F2034
  • Item
  • 28 Sep 1982

Duplicated typescript document, 25 leaves, unpaginated, compiled by the QCCL and released on 28 September 1982. The document takes issue with the Commonwealth Games Act 1982 and the powers it affords police and specially deputised persons; the attempts of the Queensland Government to ban street marches not approved by the Queensland Police; and the lack of payment of award wages on Aboriginal Australian reserves. Also includes political cartoons and newspaper cutting collages throughout.

The following is listed on the index page, after the cover page:

  1. Commonwealth Games Act Commentary by Q.C.C.L.
  2. Correspondence to Prime Minister Fraser [Malcolm Fraser] re Games Act
  3. Commonwealth Games - A Survival Kit prepared by D.C. McKelvey [David Chris McKelvey], Lecturer in Law, University of Queensland
  4. "[Land Rights:] Are You Game? Protest and Sport in Queensland", Legal Service Bulletin, August 1982 by Peter Applegarth
  5. Criticism of Police Minister Hinze's [Russ Hinze] refusal to gazette Orders-in-Council and to specify "prohibited things" under the Act
  6. The Police Commissioner's March Ban Declaration
  7. The Police Department's Double Standard
  8. Editorial, Telegraph, 23.9.82, comparing the Games Act with South African assembly laws
  9. Queensland street march laws and peaceful public assembly - a recent example
  10. Liberal Party Director says Games Act "basis of a police state"
  11. No case for games laws
  12. Existing laws more than adequate
  13. Australia the big loser in Brisbane

The following is listed on the same index page, under the heading 'Award wages':

  1. Commentary on reserve wages by Q.C.C.L.
  2. Letter to Minister for Aboriginal and Island Affairs (state) Tomkins [Ken Tomkins]
  3. Letter to (federal) Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Wilson [Ian Wilson]
  4. Letter from Minister for Aboriginal and Island Affairs (state), Porter [Charles Porter]
  5. Letter from Minister for Aboriginal and Island Affairs, Tomkins
  6. D.A.I.A. [Department of Aboriginal and Island Affairs] Wages to Reserve Aborigines

Queensland Council for Civil Liberties

Cherbourgh settlement, Thursday March 24, 1966

  • F2046
  • Item
  • 1966

Report of visit to Cherbourg Aboriginal community by R. Wright and K. Loughlin, representatives of Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia.
The visit was to investigate wage rates and employment conditions of Aboriginal Union members.

Loughlin, K. B.

Unions demand full rights for Aborigines

Authorised by the Trades & Labor Council of Queensland, this pamphlet discusses wage discrimination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, including: wages and employment deficiencies, exclusion from conditions of the Station Hands Award, disparities in wages based on colour, and laws barring joining unions.

Trades and Labor Council of Queensland