Surveying -- New South Wales -- Maps



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Surveying -- New South Wales -- Maps

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Surveying -- New South Wales -- Maps

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Surveying -- New South Wales -- Maps

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[Chart of a portion of the interior and coast of New South Wales]

  • F3642
  • Item
  • [18--]

Hand drawn chart, ink on linen. Appears to be an early survey map of the interior of New South Wales, extending from 30 degrees north, Solitary Island; to 35 degrees south, Cape George; and 149 degrees west, Westmoreland. The provenance of this item is unknown. Mountains and mountain ranges are shown using hachures, rivers are drawn lines, countryside is described in terms of: broken country, impenetrable, unexplored, forest, open forest, fine forest, elevated country and good valleys, high hills clear of timber.
Relief shown by hachures.