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Poets, Australian -- 20th century -- Archives
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Oodgeroo Noonuccal Papers

  • UQFL84
  • Collection
  • 1916-1985

This collection contains poetry, prose, speeches, and reports; correspondence; photographs, newspaper cuttings; press releases; invitations; programmes; research material; and plans.

Oodgeroo Noonuccal, 1920-1993

James Devaney Papers

  • UQFL80
  • Collection
  • ca. 1900-1976

Correspondence; draft manuscripts, photographs, and personal papers relating to James Devaney.

Devaney, James, 1890-1976

John Blight Papers

  • UQFL70
  • Collection
  • [1915-1984]

This collection contains published and unpublished manuscript and typescript drafts of poems and some prose pieces by John Blight, correspondence with individuals including Thomas Shapcott, Judith Wright, Bruce Beaver and Barbara Giles, and organisations, newspapers and literary societies. Also included are congress and festival pamphlets and papers, newspaper clippings and family photographs.

Blight, John, 1913-

Margaret Laura de Visme Howard Papers

  • UQFL591
  • Collection
  • 1925-1977

Manuscripts, typescripts, notebooks, photographs, correspondence.

Howard, Margaret Laura de Visme, 1912-1990

Thomas W. Shapcott Papers

  • UQFL56
  • Collection
  • 1956-2015

The Thomas W. Shapcott Papers contain original manuscripts and typescripts of a number of his literary works, including poems, short stories, novels, plays and libretti. Other typescripts included relate to editorial work, translations, reviews and reader reports. There are also a number of typescripts by other authors sent to Shapcott for review.
Subject files relating to literary competition and prize judging, conferences and overseas travel in relation to literature and cultural exchange.
Correspondence with Bruce Beaver, Barbara and Charles Blackman, John Blight, Alec Bolton, Colin Brumby, Ilija Casule, Chatto & Windus and The Hogarth Press, Rosemary Cresswell, Rosemary Dobson, Michael Dransfield, Geoffrey Dutton, Ninette Dutton, Michele Field, Rodney Hall, Gwen Harwood, Margaret Hodge (later Shapcott), Janette Turner Hospital, Elizabeth Jolley, Nancy Keesing, Roger McDonald, David Malouf, Olga Masters, Michael Ondaatje, David Rowbotham, Dimitris Tsaloumas, University of Queensland Press (UQP), Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Judith Wright and many others.
Correspondence with and records from a few literary bodies and association, including the Australian Society of Authors and the Literature Board.
Research papers on topics treated in literary works, particularly Karoly Pulszky
School and work-related papers and records such as school and university records, early employment and partnership contracts, job applications and annual financial records, including tax returns.
Scrapbooks, containing newspaper cuttings, ephemera and correspondence.
Papers relating to awards and honours received by Shapcott, including the Struga Prize for Poetry.
The papers also contains some photographs and personal memorabilia, such as book club lapel badges.

Shapcott, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1935-

Stephen Rooney Papers

  • UQFL554
  • Collection
  • 1994-2006

Manuscripts, journals and publications.

Rooney, Stephen

Gwen Harwood Papers

  • UQFL45
  • Collection
  • 1919-1994

Collection of correspondence from friends and fellow writers, mostly poets, editors and critics, discussing poetry, literary journals in Australia, personal news. Also copies of poems enclosed with letters or included in them. The earliest letter is dated 31 Nov. 1933. The great bulk of letters was written in the 1960s and 1970s. In all there are over 900 letters and a large number of unsorted postcard communications. The collection also includes some of Gwen Harwood's outgoing correspondence, and mss of her poems, with some biographical material and photographs. Correspondents include: Bruce Beaver; Peter Bennie; John Beston; Kevin Bowden; Vincent Buckley; Nancy Cato; Alexander Craig; Margaret Diesendorf; R.D. Fitzgerald; Frank Green; Rodney Hall; Rex Hobcroft; A.D. Hope; Evan Jones; Frank Kellaway; James McAuley; Roger McDonald; James Penberthy; Craig Powell; Thomas Riddell; Keith Russell; Thomas Shapcott; Larry Sitsky; Vivian Smith; Norman Talbot. Includes folder of letters, with some poems, to Ann Jennings, 1959-1988. There are also some photographs and audio recordings.

Harwood, Gwen

Alison Hoddinott Papers

  • UQFL332
  • Collection
  • 1946-1995

Letters from Gwen Harwood and her husband, F.W. Harwood, to Alison Hoddinott and her husband W.G. Hoddinott. Includes "Sappho cards", parodies of other Australian poets, accounts of Gwen Harwood's first meetings with James McAuley and A.D. Hope, a full account of the Walter Lehmann Bulletin hoax, and manuscript poems. Also typescript for "The lion's bride", dream book, and Sappho cards to Thea Goodwin. Alison Hoddinott's book, Blessed city : the letters of Gwen Harwood to Thomas Riddell January to September 1943 was awarded the Age Book of the Year in 1990.

Hoddinott, Alison, 1931-

Madge Staunton Papers

  • UQFL331
  • Collection
  • [1954?]-1984.

Correspondence relating to literary awards, functions and festivals, publishers, anthology requests, eisteddfods; books of poetry collections; festival brochures and entry forms; photographs; literary magazines and newsletters; biographical statements; manuscripts of poems.
Bulk of papers 1970-1984.

Staunton, Madge, 1917

Billy Jones Papers

  • UQFL220
  • Collection
  • 1975-2012

Correspondence, manuscripts, journals, publications.

Jones, Billy, 1935-2012

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