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Foreword by David Malouf for the book The New Queensland House

  • F3873
  • Item
  • 2022

Consists of a two-page typescript with corrections of a foreword written by David Malouf for The New Queensland House by Cameron Bruhn and Katelin Butler. Undated but most likely done in 2022 when the book was published.

Malouf, David, 1934-

Vote [1] Forward !

A one-sided Corflute sign listing six campaign promises of the Forward party. The bottom of the sign reads 'Forward with Drew Pavlou. Authorised by Dylan Lyons'.


Percy Brier Papers

  • UQFL19
  • Collection
  • ca. 1906 -1969

Personal papers, correspondence, photographs, notebooks . Manuscripts on history of music in Queensland; church history in Brisbane, with emphasis on church choirs and liturgical music; records of Queensland musical societies. Notes on the teaching of music in Australia. Musical scores and programs. Compositions for piano, choir, violin; including full score for an opera. Memoirs. Associations: Australian Music Examination Board; Musical Association of Queensland; Guild of Australian Composers; Brisbane Musical Union.

Brier, Percy, 1885-1970

Thomas Poole and Eric Fried Papers

  • UQFL336
  • Collection
  • [1920s]-[ca.1995]

Papers primarily concern Russian-Australian relations, 1803-1946, and cover initial Russian contacts with Australian colonists in the nineteeenth century, consular/diplomatic relations, involvement of Russian political radicals in Queensland politics before and after World War 1, formation of the Communist Party of Australia, and Russian immigration to Australia. Includes copies of official documents from Russian, Finnish, British and Australian archives; journal articles, early Russian-language newspapers, memoirs, travel accounts, private correspondence, drafts of published works, photographs. Documents are in Russian and English.

Poole, Thomas Ray, 1936-

Quong / by J.M. Stevens.

  • F3244
  • Item
  • 19--].

With pages 863-864 of the July, 1923 issue of the Steele Rudd's monthly.

Stevens, Janie M.

Les Murray State Memorial Order of Service

  • F3851
  • Item
  • 12 Jun 2019

Order of service for the State Memorial held for the poet Les Murray on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at the Mitchell Library Reading Room, State Library of New South Wales.

New South Wales. Parliament

Results 1 to 10 of 19164