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Inward correspondence, mostly typed, some handwritten, received by the Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated (TERSGI). Comprises photocopies, printouts and originals. The letters are mostly administrative in nature and relate to financial audits, taxation and annual returns, memberships, processes around supporting refugee clients, invitations to events and other activities, grant applications, and donations. Also includes letters received from the Department of Immigration and other government bodies, other refugee support organisations, and TERSGI members. Some correspondence relates to matters involving refugee clients, such as excursions to theme parks and similar attractions.

Box 2
Folder 6
Inward correspondence, 1990 to 1992

Folder 7
Inward correspondence, 1993 to 1994
Continues into next folder.

Folder 8
Inward correspondence, 1994
Continues from previous folder.

Folder 9
Inward correspondence, 1995

Folder 10
Inward correspondence, 1996, 2012

Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated


Outward correspondence, most typed, some handwritten, sent by the Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated (TERSGI). Comprises photocopies, printouts and originals. The letters are mostly administrative in nature and relate to the establishment and incorporation of TERSGI, financial audits, taxation and annual returns, insurance, processes around supporting refugee clients, grant and award applications, invitations to TERSGI events, donations from TERSGI to other organisations, and letters of thanks for donations of money, goods, or services. Also includes letters sent to the Department of Immigration and other government bodies, other refugee support organisations, and TERSGI members. Some correspondence relates to matters involving refugee clients, such as accommodation and childcare arrangements, loans, progress reports on settling families, and excursions to theme parks and similar attractions.

Box 2
Folder 1
Outward correspondence, 1990 to 1991

Folder 2
Outward correspondence, 1992 to 1993

Folder 3
Outward correspondence, 1994

Folder 4
Outward correspondence, 1995 to 1999

Folder 5
Outward correspondence, 2000 to 2009, 2012

Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated

Personal photographs

Photographs of Caroline Kelly, her husband Timothy and her extended family, and other people and places associated with Caroline Kelly and her family.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.

Professional photographs

Album comprising 72 black and white photographs (sizes vary), 89 negatives (9.5 x 6 cm), 10 negatives (8 x 11 cm), 1 colour photograph and 18 slides (35 mm). Photographic prints, slides and negatives relate to Caroline Kelly's professional life in theatre and as an anthropologist.
Includes photographs of Margaret Mead, people at the Cherbourg community in Queensland, tobacco farming and a community gathering on the Atherton Tableland, and housing developments associated with Kelly's work for the New South Wales State Planning Authority.

Content advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, transcripts or names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now deceased. It may also contain historically and culturally sensitive words, terms, and descriptions.


Original pages of a 1988 petition opposing foreign ownership of Australian land. The pages record the names, addresses and signatures of hundreds of petitioners.


Notebook used by Bruce Whiteside as a diary, with intermittent handwritten entries from 9 July 1988 to 5 July 1990


Letters sent and received by Bruce Whiteside as the chairman of the organisation Heart of a Nation. Some of the outgoing letters are in the form of opinion articles written for publication in newspapers.

Foreign land ownership research

Notes and research material relating to foreign investment and land ownership in Australia. The material includes a copy of the maiden parliamentary speech by Wayne Goss MLA, newspaper cuttings and some correspondence.


A book of detachable membership cards for Heart of a Nation, containing unissued cards and the stubs of cards issued to members. The stubs record the names and contact details of members. The file also contains one blank page with Heart of a Nation letterhead, and two copies of an advertisement for Heart of a Nation published in the Gold Coast Bulletin on 4 June 1988.

Results 1 to 10 of 276