David Malouf Papers
David Malouf Papers
Literary manuscripts by David Malouf
Literary manuscripts by David Malouf
Bicycle and Other Poems [Poetry] (1970)
Bicycle and Other Poems [Poetry] (1970)
12 Edmonstone Street [Prose] (1985)
12 Edmonstone Street [Prose] (1985)
Incomplete drafts of 12 Edmonstone Street [autobiographical essay]
Incomplete drafts of 12 Edmonstone Street [autobiographical essay]
Editorial material regarding 12 Edmonstone Street [Prose]
Editorial material regarding 12 Edmonstone Street [Prose]
Drafts of The Kyogle Line [autobiographical essay]
Drafts of The Kyogle Line [autobiographical essay]
Complete draft of 12 Edmonstone Street [autobiographical essay]
Complete draft of 12 Edmonstone Street [autobiographical essay]
Draft of A Place in Tuscany [autobiographical essay]
Draft of A Place in Tuscany [autobiographical essay]
Early draft of A Foot in the Stream [autobiographical essay]
Early draft of A Foot in the Stream [autobiographical essay]