Incomplete drafts of 12 Edmonstone Street [autobiographical essay]
Incomplete drafts of 12 Edmonstone Street [autobiographical essay]
Manuscript draft of The Conversations at Curlow Creek
Manuscript draft of The Conversations at Curlow Creek
Early draft of The Great World
Early draft of The Great World
Non-fiction typescripts by David Malouf
Non-fiction typescripts by David Malouf
First draft of Child's Play
First draft of Child's Play
Handwritten and typescript drafts of Remembering Babylon
Handwritten and typescript drafts of Remembering Babylon
Short story drafts for Every Move You Make
Short story drafts for Every Move You Make
Handwritten draft of Ransom [version 1]
Handwritten draft of Ransom [version 1]
Correspondence, 1960-1973
Correspondence, 1960-1973
Correspondence with George Braziller
Correspondence with George Braziller