Correspondence, reports, ephemera, and articles have been collected around the areas of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters: culture and cultural events; education; politics; rights; welfare; and SEMP (Social Education Materials Project).
Ephemeral material, partial articles and reports, photocopied material, and newspaper cuttings held in the Culture and cultural folder include:
- Photocopied typescript of the lecture given by HC Coombs, Aboriginal Australians 1967-1976 : a decade of progress?, at the third Walter Murdoch Lecture delivered at Murdoch University on 19 October 1976, 27 leaves; with a with compliments slip from HC Coombs attached.
- Photocopied typescript 'Summarized statement of Tuntable Organization and rule', 1978, 2 pages.
- Report on the Wandjina Appeal, photocopied typescript, 2 leaves, undated.
- Advertisement for a Course for Aboriginal and Islander Organisations by the North Stradbroke Island Aboriginal and Islander Housing Co-operatiave Society, 1980, 1 typescript leaf.
- Stradbroke Island Mangement Organisation flyer, 1980.
- Notice for a meeting of the Aranarawai Company, 1978, 1 photocopied typescript leaf.
- Facismile copy, incomplete, of Good contacts, with the stamp of the Queensland Aboriginal Affairs Head Office on front cover, 1979.
- Agenda for the Annual Sporting Organisations Meeting, typescript, 1979, 1 leaf.
- Report on the Long Island Project, photocopied, 3 leaves, undated.
- Victorian Aboriginal Health and Dental Clinic flyer, 2 pages, 1978?
- Flyer for Aboriginal Studies : Aborigines Woomera, approved by the Depart of Education and the Catholic Office of Education, 1 leaf, 1977.
- Blank petition form to support the New South Wales Aboriginal Sites Survey, 1 leaf, 1977.
- Flyer by the Dampier and District Recreation Association invitation to the 1971 Commonwealth Literary Fund Tour conducted by Kath Walker (Oodgeroo Noonuccal) and Ian Mudie, 1 leaf, 1971.
- Invitation to the Yeti Theatre and Aboriginal and Islanders Tribal Dancing, flyer, 1 leaf, 1976?
- Brochure: 'How to apply for a grant from the Department of Aboriginal Affairs', undated.
- Blank housing loan application for the Aboriginal Loans Commission, undated.
- Flyer by Ian Hamilton for the 'The Brisbane Line : a ritual trance-walk', 2 pages, 22 Dec 1980.
- Brochure: Trachoma from the National Trachoma and Eye Health Program, 2 pages, undated.
- Brochure: The deed of grant in trust : land tenure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland from the Queensland Government, 2 pages, undated.
- Photocopy of at three papers by KS Strehlow: 'Aboriginal land rights' (undated), 'Strehlow aboriginal research foundation' (dated 1977), and 'Strehlow and Central Australia' (undated).