Fifty-six black and white photographs, eleven colour photographs and eleven negativies of buildings related to the architectural work of John Kershaw:
• Forty-six b&w photographs, 24 x 19 cm, of the construction of the Queensland Teachers Union Building. Taken by Fred Carew (Photos) Pty. Ltd from 14 Jun 1973 to 1 Apr 1974.
• One b&w photograph of a sculpture.
• Three negatives 16 x 11 cm of architectural plans for the Queensland Teachers Union Building.
• Five b&w photographs, 13 x 10 cm of the exterior of the Queensland Teachers Union Building, 10 Jun 1974.
• From an envelope titled ‘Photos of Watson St.’: four b&w negatives (6 x 8 cm); four b&w photographs (sizes vary); eleven colour photographs of the interior of the house.
• From an envelope titled ‘Shop at Mundubbera, Qld owned by A.E. Dagg – Designed by Walter Taylor (according to daughter Evelyn O’Brien): four b&w negatives, 9 x 15 cm.
R.W. Voller & John Kershaw