Articles about bora rings
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Articles about bora rings
Letter, 1965 June 15 : Brisbane, to Mrs B.G. White.
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Letter, 1965 June 15 : Brisbane, to Mrs B.G. White.
Notebook of vocabulary of Aboriginal dialects
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Notebook of vocabulary of Aboriginal dialects
What do I, as an Aboriginal, think about the old traditions and customs of my people, and what place do they have in present life and in the future? 1969
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What do I, as an Aboriginal, think about the old traditions and customs of my people, and what place do they have in present life and in the future? 1969
Gaiarbau's story of the Jinibara tribe of South East Queensland (and its neighbours)
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Gaiarbau's story of the Jinibara tribe of South East Queensland (and its neighbours)
Letter to the Secretary of the Union of Australian Women, Queensland
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Letter to the Secretary of the Union of Australian Women, Queensland
A sermon by the Rev. J. G. Steele, preached at St. John's Cathedral on Sunday 20 September 1981
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A sermon by the Rev. J. G. Steele, preached at St. John's Cathedral on Sunday 20 September 1981
Easter 1970 and the origins of the National Tribal Council : a personal view
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Easter 1970 and the origins of the National Tribal Council : a personal view
Terrible wages discrimination, [1967]
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Terrible wages discrimination, [1967]
Abschol paper cuttings of aboriginal affairs
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Abschol paper cuttings of aboriginal affairs