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ACR Papers Poets, Australian
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ACR Papers

  • UQFL675
  • Collection
  • 1991-2024

This collection is comprised of drafts of accepted and rejected work as submitted to Unusual work (Collective Effort Press) from 2010 to 2021; ephemera material such as handbills and programs of readings, performance or exhibitions of ACR’s work (1992-2013) and book covers for works containing or referring to ACR's work.

Box 1

Folder 1
Two items relating to the competition 'Not the Archibald Prize' hosted by the Melbourne Fringe. Event dated 1992 and located in Melbourne. Includes event brochure and photograph of ACR (colour). Items dated 1993.

Folder 2
Seven items relating to the event titled 'Jas. H Duke Tribute'. Event dated 2 to 4 April 1993 and located at Studio A, Melbourne. Includes event flyer, printed digital artwork of ACR and photographs of ACR (black and white). Items dated 1993.

Folder 3
Three items relating to the event titled 'Collective Effort Launch'. Event dated 2 December 1993 and located at the Fitzroy Gallery, Melbourne. Includes event flyer and photographs of ACR (colour and black and white). Items dated 1993 to 1994.

Folder 4
Two items relating to the event titled 'Sound Poetry'. Event dated 8 August 1994 and located at the La Mama Theatre, Melbourne. Includes event flyer and La Mama newsletter. Items dated 1994.

Folder 5
Three items relating to the event titled 'Music, Poetry and Comedy Night' hosted by Axle. Event dated 3 October 1994 and located at the Arthouse, Melbourne. Includes event flyer, photograph of ACR (colour) and retrospective notes from ACR. Items undated.

Folder 6
Two items relating to the event titled 'National Theatre Showcase' hosted by the Melbourne Fringe. Event dated 10 to 22 October 1994 and located at the National Theatre, Melbourne. Includes event flyer and photograph of ACR (black and white). Items undated.

Folder 7
Three items relating to the event titled 'Sound and Action Poetry' hosted by Axle. Event dated 12 December 1994 and located at the Arthouse, Melbourne. Includes event flyers and newspaper cuttings. Items dated 1994.

Folder 8
Three items relating to the exhibition titled 'Heresay'. Project dated 22 October to 5 November 1995 and located at the Fremantle Arts Centre, Perth. Includes a printed twelve page information booklet titled 'Heresay' and a photograph of ACR (black and white). Items undated.

Folder 9
Two items relating to the event titled 'Poetry, Poetry, Poetry' hosted by the Poets Union Inc. Event dated 2 March 1996 and located at the Gallery on Booth, Sydney. Includes event flyer and photograph of ACR (black and white). Items undated.

Folder 10
Two items relating to a poetry reading hosted by the Perth Poetry Club. Event dated 5 June 2011 and located at The Moon, Perth. Includes correspondence from the event organiser and biography of ACR used for the event. Items undated.

Folder 11
Three event programs for various events. Events dated 1991 to 1996 (one program dated 2012) and located in Melbourne or Perth.

Folder 12
Twelve event flyers for various events. Events dated 1992 to 1996 (one flyer dated 2012) and located in Melbourne or Perth.

Folder 13
One printed invitation to the Victorian Writers' Centre Christmas party. Event dated in 1994 and located at the Victorian Writers' Centre, Melbourne. Includes handwritten annotations to ACR.

Folder 14
Items relating to issue 10 of Unusual work published in 2011. Handwritten and typescript correspondence from the editor and Coral Carter. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Crowd' and 'Highways' among others. Items dated 2010 to 2011 (some items undated).

Folder 15
Items relating to issue 11 of Unusual work published in 2012. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Everywhere' and 'Radio' among others. Includes typescript proofs of three poems. Items dated 2010 to 2011 (some items undated).

Folder 16
Items relating to issue 13 of Unusual work published in 2012. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Sex' and 'People' among others. Typescript proofs of two poems. Items dated 2012 (some items undated).

Folder 17
Items relating to issue 14 of Unusual work published in 2013. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Whitenoise' among others. Typescript proofs of two poems. Items dated 2013.

Folder 18
Items relating to issue 15 of Unusual work published in 2014. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'So good' and 'Gum/mud' among others. Typescript proofs of four poems. Items dated 2013 (some items undated).

Folder 19
Items relating to ACR's submissions to issue 17 of the poetry magazine Unusual work published in 2014. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Pterodactyl' (also known as 'Bird') among others Items dated 2014 (some items undated). Includes typescript correspondence to Pete Hay and Nicholas Pounder regarding the publication of 'Bird' in Unusual work and Blue giraffe. Items dated 2015 to 2016.

Folder 20
Items relating to issue 18 of Unusual work published in 2015. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Vulva' and 'Thread' among others. Typescript proofs of two poems. Items dated 2015 (some items undated).

Folder 21
Items relating to issue 19 of Unusual work published in 2016. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Windlessness' among others. Typescript proofs of one poem. Items dated 2015 (some items undated).

Folder 22
Items relating to issue 22 of Unusual work published in 2017. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Lolly'. Typescript proofs of one poem. Items dated 2017 (some items undated).

Folder 23
Items relating to issue 26 of Unusual work published in 2019. Handwritten and typescript drafts of 'Hush' and 'Bug' among others. Items undated.

Folder 24
Items relating to ACR's submissions to issue 28 and 29 of the poetry magazine Unusual work published in 2020. Typescript drafts with handwritten annotations of 'A case to answer' and 'Faerie-pig' among others. Items undated.

Folder 25
Items relating to issue 32, 33, 35 and 37 of Unusual work published in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Typescript correspondence from the editor. Typescript drafts of 'Head' among others. Typescript proofs of five poems. Items dated 2021 to 2024 (some items undated).

Folder 26
Seventeen printed digital images of the covers of some of ACR’s published books and other literary journals and magazines in which ACR's work is published. Items undated.

Folder 27
Six page document listing the exhibitions, publications and performances ACR was involved in from 1991 to 1994. The first page is a printed digital image of ACR's book I'm rooted and other poems. Item undated.

Parcel 1

Folder 1
One flyer for the event titled 'Jas. H Duke Tribute'. Event dated 2 to 4 April 1993 and located at Studio A, Melbourne. Item dated 1993. Related material in to Box 1, Folder .

Folder 2
One flyer for the event titled 'Collective Effort Launch'. Event dated 2 December 1993 and located at the Fitzroy Gallery, Melbourne. Item dated 1993. Related material in Box 1, Folder .

Folder 3
Two event programs for for the event titled 'Montsalvat National Poetry Festival'. Event dated 3 to 5 December 2023 and 2 to 4 December 1994 and located at Montsalvat, Melbourne. Items dated 1993 and 1994.

Folder 4
Three event flyers for various events. Events dated 1993 to 1995 and located in Melbourne or Perth. Items dated 1993 to 1995.

ACR, 1951-