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Poets, Australian -- 20th century -- Archives
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Alexander Craig Correspondence

  • F3859
  • File
  • 1962

Sixteen postcards written by Gwen Harwood to Alexander Craig in 1962. Most of them marked by Gwen Harwood as 'Sappho cards': These cards have illustrations cut from Victorian and Edwardian books and magazines, some with conversation bubbles or annotations. Some postcards have poems by Harwood.

Item 1: 20 Jan 2019
Item 2: 23 Jan 1962
Item 3: 2 Feb 1962
Item 4: 7 Feb 1962
Item 5: 9 Mar 1962 (postmark date)
Item 6: 13 Mar 1962 (postmark date)
Item 7: 13 Mar 1962 (written date)
Item 8: 30 Mar 1962
Item 9: 3 May 1962
Item 10: 14 May 1962
Item 11: 18 May 1962
Item 12: 21 May 1962
Item 13: 1 Jun 1962
Item 14: 9 Jun 1962
Item 15: 13 Dec 1962
Item 16: 26 Dec 1962

Craig, Alexander, 1923-1996

'Colour Bar' Hotel

  • F2122
  • Item
  • 14 Jul 1964

Original song sheet, one leaf, with music and lyrics by Bill Jones, handwritten in pen on printed musical staff. The name 'Dot Rass' is noted in pencil at the top right corner. Dated 7 July 1964. The lyrics relate to racial segregation in public houses (pubs). It is accompanied by a sheet of handwritten lyrics, same date.

Jones, Billy, 1935-2012

Letter to Alan Frost, 1965.

  • F82
  • Item
  • 1965

Letter 10 July 1965 to Alan Frost, English Dept., University of Queensland, enclosing five sonnets. Titles: The rotund sailor, The cannibal islands, Gladstone, The isthmus, A sand bank.

Blight, John, 1913-

On public transport

  • F1182
  • Item
  • 1974

Working notes for a poem, signed and dated 18.2.74.

Blight, John, 1913-

The Mice

  • F1174
  • Item
  • 1974

Typescript signed poem dated 15.8.74.
Accompanied by ms version in ink, with corrections, signed and dated 21.8.74.

Blight, John, 1913-

Someday in the Americas

  • F1180
  • Item
  • 1974

Holograph poem, signed and dated 2.11.1974.

Blight, John, 1913-

Results 1 to 10 of 34