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Student work

Glenn Cooke completed a Bachelor of Arts in Art History at the University of Melbourne in 1977. He continued his studies in the United States and obtained a Master of Arts degree in Museum Studies at The George Washington University, Washington
D.C. in 1979. This file is comprised of two research papers.

Greeting cards

Thirty-one greeting cards, primarily Christmas cards, spanning from 2004 to 2014, with some undated. A few are emailed Christmas greetings.


Inventory of art works in Glenn Cooke's private collection listing artist, title of work and in some cases purchase price.

Thesis and articles

Typescripts of Glenn Cooke's dissertation on the arts and crafts movement in England, typescripts of articles and chronologies by Cooke on arts and crafts in Queensland, and a bibliography of Cooke's written work.

Labels from beverage bottles

Loose labels from beverage bottles. Most of the labels are from beer bottles, some are from bottles of water and softdrink.

Architectural drawings of the University of Queensland

  • F3328
  • File
  • 1936

Copies of nine architectural drawings of the University of Queensland by Hennessy, Hennessy and Co. from 1936, based on the article in Building. All drawings have the title block of Hennessy, Hennessy and Co.

Accompanied by an article from Building, 12 Oct 1936 with information about the plans and the early St. Lucia site, donated by Peter Brown of the St. Lucia History Group.

Includes photocopy of the design for sandblasted ceiling for the glass dome of the Library building (which was never executed).

Item 1: Preliminary Layout University of Queensland, undated, 46 x 58 cm.
Item 2: Union Building from the north west, undated, 46 x 58 cm.
Item 3: Physics and Geology Buildings from the quadrangle, undated, 46 x 58 cm.
Item 4: Perspective view of the Administration Building from the quadrangle, undated, 46 x 48 cm.
Item 5: Perspective view of the Great Hall, undated, 46 x 48 cm.
Item 6: Interior view of the Great Hall, undated, 46 x 48 cm.
Item 7: Perspective view of the entrance to Arts School from the quadrangle, undated, 46 x 48 cm.
Item 8: Section showing the Physics and Union Building, undated, 46 x 58 cm.
Item 9: Sandblasting designs. Library building, [date indecipherable], 30 x 42 cm.

Hennessy, Hennessy and Co.

Results 1 to 10 of 3261