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Elizabethan land deeds

  • F3868
  • File
  • 1568

Two Elizabethan land deeds, with translations and explanatory notes. Both deeds, one written in English and the other in Latin, relate to the terms and conditions of land rental between between Charles Wingfield, Richard Wingfield, Antony Wingfield, Henry Wingfield and Simon Byddull in the town of Lichfield, Staffordshire. The seals of Charles, Richard, Antony and Henry Wingfield are still attached to the English version. The Latin version only the seals of Charles and Henry remain.

Conditional pardon and doll's chest of drawers

  • F1092
  • File
  • 1842 - 1844

Conditional pardon for Thomas Clarke, signed by Governor Gipps and registered on August 8, 1843 and a set of doll's drawers made by Clarke.

Clarke, Thomas

John Jardine reports

  • F381
  • File
  • 1864

Reports 1864 from John Jardine, Police Magistrate at Somerset, Queensland to the Colonial Secretary, Brisbane. Contents: 6 Sep on formation of the new settlement, enclosing copies of letters; 31 December with return of issues and sale of rations. People and organisations in report and correspondence includes : J.J. Hanan, Lt. Pascoe, D.M. Simmex and the Queensland Colonial Secretary's Office.

Jardine, John, 1807-1874

Letters to Mary Anne Ruck from members of the Atkin family

  • F3340
  • File
  • 1865-1867.

This file is comprised of copies (handwritten and typed) of letters written by the Atkin family to Mary Anne Ruck. Newly weds, Robert and Mary Atkin, together with Robert's sister Grace Atkin and his mother Alice Atkin arrived in Brisbane on the vessel the Wansfell on 23 March 1865, from England. The vessel left on 11 November 1864. They travelled by steamer to Rockhampton and eventually settled at Herberts Creek about 100 km from Rockhampton. The letters cover the time in Central Queensland, before moving to Brisbane.

There is an exercise book of handwritten copies of the letters with the cover missing and bottom and side edges appearing to be burnt; 18 leaves of photocopies of typed copies of the letters rom 1865 to 1867 [?], with handwritten annotations in red pen; additional 5 leaves of photocopies of typed copies, no annotations with the title on the cover page 'Copies of letters written to Mrs. Ruck from Queensland 1865-1867 Mary G. [sic] Atkin, Robert L. Atkin, Grace I. [sic] Atkin'; 7 leaves handwritten notes about the letters; 'The Wansfell' (1 leaf printout from The Courier, 1865 Mar 24); 2 leaves (plus title pages) about the Wansfell (photocopies from 'Log of logs : Vol. 2' by Ian Nicholson).

Ruck, Mary Elizabeth, 1842-1920

Frank Gordon McKean letters

  • F1070
  • File
  • 1862-1867.

Letters to Frank Gordon McKean who left Elgen, Scotland in 1862 for Queensland. Includes examples of cross writing. Accompanying handwritten notes, on three leaves, by John Sutherlandlist the letters. Correspondence includes:
• Letter of introduction give to Frank from Alexander Munro to his brother Douglas Munro, a resident of Queensland;
• Anne Gordon of Elgen, his aunt;
• F. S. McKean, father of Frank;
• letters from Alexander Raff;
• Robert Mitchell;
• a letter from James Cook, Invercargill N.A. to Mrs McKean, which was forwarded to Frank;
• Charles B. Barff;
• letters from John R. Barff;
• portion of a letter from his mother;
• letter from John Fenwick forwarding mail from Mrs McKean (on the reverse is a circular issued by John Fenwish & Co, Brisbane 5 December 1864)

There are envelopes, partial and whole, most of which are addressed to Frank Gordon.

McKean, Frank Gordon

Cuthbert Edward Peek at Jimbour House for transit of Venus

Photocopies of extracts from letters written by Cuthbert Edward Peek while on the Queensland and British 1882 Transit Expedition, 29 Oct to 18 Dec 1882, 3 copies. [Cuthbert Edward Peek was a self-funded amateur astronomer who joined the official observers from the Royal Geographical Society that travelled to Jimbour Station and chose Jimbour House as the transit station to observe the transit of Venus; Jimbour House had been recently vacated].

Bell Family

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