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Lahey, Vida, 1882-1968
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Art portfolio with newspaper cuttings

Handmade and hand painted artist folder (38 x 29 cm) with two titles 'Inventories' and 'Inventories of pictures, pots and vases' written on cover. Contains a postcard of 'Monday morning' by Vida Lahey; a University of Queensland envelope with the name and address of Professor R. P. Cummings crossed out and Miss Vida Lahey written on the front and 'Newspaper articles of interest' written on the back; and newspaper cuttings relating to significant events and interests of Vida Lahey, including the art teaching, the World Wars, the royal family, artists, and exhibitions.

Lahey, Vida, 1882-1968

Art portfolio with prints and reproduction prints

Handmade and handpainted artist folder with 'Coloured paper' written on cover. Teaching material [of Vida Lahey] consisting of colour, and black and white reproduction prints, postcards, Christmas cards (some addressed to Vida Lahey), newspaper and periodical cuttings from the 1940s to the 1960s. Included with this file is: Théophile Alexandre Steinlen, 'Untitled', print numbered 348 of 400, 1910s?, 38 x 28 cm

Art portfolio with material on teaching methods

Handmade and hand painted (red and black) artist folder (38 x 29 cm) with colour charts, biographical notes, newspaper cuttings, notes, catalogue with prices from an exhibition of Vida Lahey paintings from the MacQuarie Galleries Canberra in July 1978, Invitiation to the MacQuaries Galleries Exhibition with biographical information, and correspondence

Art portfolio with art reproductions and prints on card

Handmade and hand painted artist folder (46 x 30 cm) with 'Reproductions for classes' and 'Reproductions for use in illustrating principles of design and colour the[ory?]' written on cover. Contains art reproductions and prints pasted onto card. Some signed by Vida Lahey. Possibly used for children’s art classes. Includes postcard of Custom’s House and neon sign “Time for a capstan” and invitation to Daphne Mayo.

Vida Lahey : artist / Lilian MacArthur.

  • F2251
  • Item
  • 1969

Photocopy of manuscript of biography of Vida Lahey. This article was written for a literary competition of the Society of Women Writers of N.S.W. in 1969. Daphne Mayo wrote it under the pyseudoynm 'Lilian MacArthur' (a combinaton of her first name and the second name of her father, William MacArthur Mayo). It gives an account of Vida Lahey's family history, her artist development, her art and her involvement in encouraging art in Queensland and for children.

Mayo, Daphne, 1895-1982

Notes for the biography of Vida Lahey

Handwritten notes for the biography of Vida Lahey by Daphne Mayo. The notes are written on scraps of paper, envelopes (addressed to Daphne Mayo), and paper. It includes 6 pages of typescript, with handwritten emendations, entitled 'The development of Art in Queensland'. Vida Lahey wrote this article for the Exhibition of Queensland art : catalogue : Queensland National Art Gallery, Brisbane, 10th September to 7th October, 1951. On one envelope there is a draft of a letter by Mayo to Mavis asking her to read and criticise her article on Vida which isn't finished and was not typed (a requirement for submission). There is one sheet of paper with a brief account of Daphne Mayo's life: mentioning her studies; travels; the Godfrey Rivers Bequest (and the purchase of 'The Cypriot' by Dobell); the Queensland Art Fund; and the raising of funds to match the Darnell bequest and the impacts of that task.

Draft of biography of Vida Lahey in pen carbon book

Written in a Quill Pen Carbon Book is the carbon copy handwritten draft of the biography of Vida Lahey by Daphne Mayo. Original pages have been removed. Orginal and carbon copy page numbers 1 and 2 missing; carbon copy pages span from page 3 to page 26, with some emendations. It is a draft of an article written for the Society of Women Writers Of NSW Literary Competition, in 1969, by "Lilian MacArthur". On page 100 are notes by Daphne Mayo include length of time to read, suggested amendments to the text and possible reference to Vida Lahey's daily routine.

Vida Lahey : artist

Original typescript manuscript of biography of Vida Lahey. The cover has a b&w photograph of Vida Lahey painting with the caption 'Vida Lahey M.B.E.'. This article written for a literary competition of the Society of Women Writers of N.S.W. in 1969. Daphne Mayo wrote it under the pyseudoynm 'Lilian MacArthur' (a combinaton of her first name and the second name of her father, William MacArthur Mayo). It gives an account of Vida Lahey's family history, her artist development, her art, her involvement in encouraging art in Queensland and art for children.

Writings of Vida Lahey

Two folders of handwritten notes, in pencil, determined to be by Vida Lahey.

Lahey, Vida, 1882-1968

Mim Shaw notes and papers

Content in this series is mostly created by Muriel Shaw and reflects her work and association with Vida Lahey, Daphne Mayo, the Half Dozen Group of Artists, teaching, and her artistic interests.

Results 1 to 10 of 13