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Refugees -- Australia
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Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated Records

  • UQFL671
  • Collection
  • 1990-2019

Correspondence, minutes, client records, photographs and other records relating to the administration and activities of the Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated (TERSGI).

Ecumenical Refugee Support Group Incorporated

Julian Burnside and Kate Durham Papers

  • UQFL430
  • Collection
  • 2001-2011

Correspondence from asylum seekers detained on Nauru; files of reports, newspaper cuttings and photographs relating to the asylum seekers; sewing projects created by the asylum seekers; paintings and relief sculptures created by Kate Durham.

Burnside, Julian

Elaine Smith Papers

  • UQFL446
  • Collection
  • 2002-2008

Correspondence and photographs from asylum seekers detained in Nauru; letters to asylum seekers, supporters, politicians and government agencies; newspaper cuttings, media commentary and reports; embroidery; publications and ephemera; artworks by asylum seekers.

Smith, Elaine

Juliet Flesch Papers

  • UQFL674
  • Collection
  • 2002-2009

Materials relating to Juliet Flesch's activism in the area of refugee, asylum seeker and detention centre detainees in Australia.
Includes correspondence, media reports and photographs, among other documents. Also includes two photographs relating to Flesch's academic interest in Australian romance writers.

Flesch, Juliet

Letters, 2003

  • F3731
  • Item
  • 2003

36 letters including 3 photos, written by immigration detainees of Nauru; most written 27 to 29 July 2003.

Ghulam, Hassan