Leaflets, newsletters, invitations, bumper stickers, conference publicity, posters, reports, song lyrics, and event notices. Some of the organisations may only have one item. Also includes leaflets with no organisation named. Organisations include Ananda Marga Women's Spiritual Community, Brisbane Women's Club, Brisbane Women's Health Club, Brisbane Women's Union, Children by Choice, Coalition of Australian Participating Organisations of Women, Domestic Violence Resource Centre, Emma Miller Women's Group and Grass Roots Resource Centre, Human Rights Commission, International Women's Year Australian national Advisory Committee, Jobs for Women Action Committee, Joint Women's Action, Leichardt Women's Community Health Centre, Liverpool Women's Health Centre Collective, Migrants on the March, Mothers on the March, National Women's Consultative Council, Office of Equal Opportunitiy, Older Women's Network, Queensland Nurses Union, Socialist Feminist Forum, South Australian Health Commission, Survivors, Sydney Women's Liberation Group, UNAA Status of Women's Committee, UNIFEM Australia, Women and Children First, University of Queensland Women's Club, Women and Labour Conference, Women Working for Development, Women's Commission of the AUS Council, Women's Creative Arts Centre, Women's Embassy, Women's Infolink, Women's Information and Support Association Sunshine Coast, Women's Information Service, Women's International Democratic Federation Council, Women's Network, Women's Policy Branch, Dept of the Premier, Women's Policy Unit Office of Cabinet Queensland, Women's Rights University of Queensland Union, Women's Shelter Cairns, Women's Studies Network, Working Women's Centre, Zig Zag, Pro Choice Action Collective, SALIG, Words for Women. Also includes material on the anniversary of women's suffrage in Queensland.