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James Birrell Papers
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Frederick Scorer thesis
Frederick Scorer thesis
University of Queensland Dental Hospital and College
University of Queensland Dental Hospital and College
Student work of James Birrell
Student work of James Birrell
Commonwealth Department of Works. Melbourne
Commonwealth Department of Works. Melbourne
Commonwealth Department of Works. Darwin
Commonwealth Department of Works. Darwin
Commonwealth. Department of Works
Commonwealth. Department of Works
Commonwealth Department of Works. Canberra
Commonwealth Department of Works. Canberra
File no. 493 Central Methodist Church Parsonage
File no. 493 Central Methodist Church Parsonage
File no. 473 City Congregational Church
File no. 473 City Congregational Church
File no. 496 Residence, Glencairn Avenue South, Indooroopilly
File no. 496 Residence, Glencairn Avenue South, Indooroopilly
Results 1 to 10 of 197