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' Karrala. 1967. May. Jun. Sept. Karrala House'

Karrala House formed part of the female ward of the Ipswich Mental Hospital accommodating 'wayward' and 'delinquent' girls. It was run by the Queensland State Government from 1963 to 1971 when it closed. This file contains: correspondence including carbon copies of letters to the editor of the Courier Mail from Harry Throssell; newspaper cuttings from May to December 1967; typescript copy of a 'Submission in relation to Karrala House' from the Council of Social Service Queensland, Child Welfare Standing Committe, May 1967; typescript copy of 'Some notes on Karrala House' by the Council of Social Service Queensland, Child Welfare Standing Committee, with handwritten inscription on last page 'HT Lecturer in Social Work, U. of Q. [9 Feb 1967]'. Written on cover of original folder ' Karrala. 1967. May. Jun. Sept. Karrala House'

1st draft of Until the end of the world by Peter Carey

Spiral bound copy of first draft of Until the end of the world, story by Wim Wenders and Solveig Dommartin and screenplay by Peter Carey, with emendations, 18 Oct 1988. Note on first page: This is the copy I took to the Kimberleys, with annotations made at that time'.

Wenders, Wim.

A Hall for all

Client: Buderim Mountain State School. Handwritten in pencil on plans: BQA093. No job number.

A letter to our son [book] (1994)

Page proofs, layout design, queries, corrections for University of Queensland Press edition of A letter to our son. Letters and faxes from Rosie Fitzgibbons, University of Queensland Press, and Michael Ward Designs, August 1994.

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