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Architecture -- Designs and plans
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Wilson Architect Records

  • UQFL112
  • Collection
  • 1883-1966.

Architectural plans of residential and commercial buildings. Also includes bills of quantities, client files, specification files, job files, miscellaneous papers of A.B. Wilson and R.M. Wilson, and card index of plans by plan numbers, job numbers, and client names. Includes several plans by Alfred Banks.
Also includes rare poster "Victoria Skating Rink, Sandgate". Includes plan of 'University site, St. Lucia. Proposed design', by R.W.J. Hawken, 1929.
Professor Hawken and Alexander Wilson were members of a committee established in 1921 to determine a site for the University of Queensland.

Wilson Architects

Vitaly Gzell Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL227
  • Collection
  • 1947-1974

Drawings of residential and commercial buildings in Brisbane and regional Queensland. Includes some Blackburne and Gzell plans. The collection includes plans for Twelfth Night Theatre.

Gzell, Vitaly, 1908-1977

Vibert McKirdy Brown Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL222
  • Collection
  • 1926-1940

Vibert McKirdy Brown worked as an architect in North Queensland in the first half of the 20th century. He drew plans for churches, schools, presbyteries, residential houses, hotels, stores, the Atherton hospital and silos for the Atherton Tablelands Maize Board. Most of the buildings were constructed. Some have since been demolished. Two have been heritage listed: the 1930s extension to the Bolands Centre in Cairns and Exchange Hotel in Mossman.

Brown, Vibert McKirdy, 1887-1957

Torbreck Home Units Records

  • UQFL426
  • Collection
  • 1957-1999

Architectural drawings, photographs and some associated records relating to the design and construction of the Torbreck residential complex at Highgate Hill, Brisbane. The Torbreck complex was constructed in 1958-1960, and was the first multistoreyed home unit development in Queensland. Rising prominently from the crest of Highgate Hill, Torbreck comprises 150 units spread across an eightstorey garden block and a fourteen-storey tower block, surrounded by landscaped gardens on a one and a half acre site. The complex was designed by Queensland architects A.H. Job and R.P. Froud, whose design ideas and innovative use of old and new materials were adaptations of the post-war International Style, in particular the North American model. At the time of its conception, Torbreck received support from the Queensland Government which considered high-density residential developments of this kind as one possible solution to Brisbane’s emerging suburban sprawl. After construction, the project’s developer, Torbeck Pty Ltd (later Torbreck Home Units Ltd), retained company title over the units. Unit owners became share holders in the company to the value of their unit’s purchase price, an arrangement that has persisted despite the introduction of the more popular strata title option in 1965. Torbreck remains substantially intact and continues to rank as one of Brisbane’s most prominent architectural landmarks.

Job, Aubrey Horswill, 1907-2002

Susan Hug Papers

  • UQFL536
  • Collection
  • 1917-1922

Architectural drawings of regional banks and bank managers houses, presumably created by P.O.E. Hawkes and collected by Susan Hug (later Rowsell) as part of her thesis The life and works of P.O.E. Hawkes (B.Arch.) University of Queensland, 1987.

Hug, Susan

Stuart McIntosh Architectural Drawings

  • UQFL502
  • Collection
  • 1953-2006

Architectural drawings and sketches by Stuart McIntosh. McIntosh's notes, photographs and research material relating to architecture projects and competitions. Includes design ideas and concept sketches for the Gallery of Modern Art (Brisbane), Grand Egyptian Museum (Cairo), the World Trade Centre Memorial (New York) and King George Square (Brisbane).

McIntosh, Stuart, 1924-2007

Specification for a wooden residence at Wivenhoe, 1907

  • F3309
  • Item
  • 1907

Architectural specification for a wooden residence at Wivenhoe. Contract dated 17 Aug 1907, date for completion 9 Nov 1907. Proprietor: James Thomson. Contractor: Loynes and Paten. Amount paid: 497 pounds. Signed by Gill.

Gill, George Brockwell, 1858-1954

Roman Pavlyshyn Papers

  • UQFL640
  • Collection
  • 1946-2015

Papers and architectural drawings created by Roman Pavlyshyn in the course of his career. Includes student work, work created while employed by Karl Langer and the Queensland Works Department as well as work created in private practice. This includes a large number of projects for the Ukrainian community, including ecclesiastical and private commissions. The papers also include private papers, photographs (174 photographs, 26 negatives), a few publications and a work of art by Irene Amos.

Pavlyshyn, Roman, 1922-2019

Robin Gibson Papers

  • UQFL638
  • Collection
  • 1955-2011

Architectural drawings, job files, photographs, renderings, correspondence and awards relating to the architectural practice of Robin Gibson and his firm Robin Gibson and Partners. The largest component of the collection consists of architectural drawings and associated job files created by Gibson's practice. Most of the items in the collection were created by Gibson and his partners and staff. Other creators are named when their identity is known.

Gibson, Robin, 1930-2014

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