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University of Queensland Students

Dates on some of the photographs are not given; sometimes a range of dates has been estimated. Caption title are mostly supplied by library staff; inscriptions on reverse may be by library staff or others.

This series includes:
AJ/P/1: Intervarsity Debating Team showing R. Cormack, A.I.F. Mackillop, Geo Nash, 1929?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/2: Cast of Pygmalion and Galatea, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Cast (not named on photo): Statue Galatea - Miss D. Bleakley ; Galatea - Miss M. MacGregor ; Cynisca - Miss M. Robertson ; Daphne - Miss N. Hutchinson ; Myrine - Miss I. Bartholomew ; Pygmalion - Mr T.H.C. Townsend ; Chrysos - Mr N. Bennett ; Leucippus - Mr. D. Henderson ; Mimos - Mr F. Bennett ; Agesimos - Mr A. Clappison (Information from Galmahra Aug 1922 p. 48). Photographer: Thomas Mathewson Company (opp. Opera House Brisbane).
AJ/P/3: 1st Queensland University Dramatic Co., 1913 or 1920; 1 b&w photograph. Performed "School" on 30th August 1913 (1920 crossed out and replaced with 1913): Cast: Front: M. McCulloch, M. Moxom ; Seated: J. F. Neilson, M. Dawson, Mr Mayo, P. Moxom, E.A. Thelander ; 3rd row: B. Aldridge, B. Molesworth, I. Lee, H. Cleminson, J. H. Baxter, M. Harrison ; Back: L. Hodgins, J. L. Briggs, R. Wilson, T.G. Hughes, D. Dennis. Inset: Mr J.J. Stable.
AJ/P/4: English III play Epicene or The Silent Woman by Ben Jonson. Eunice Hanger in the centre front row, 1961; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/5: English III play Epicene or The Silent Woman by Ben Jonson performed at the J.J. Stable Tree Theatre, University of Queensland, 1961; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/6:English III play Epicene or The Silent Woman by Ben Jonson performed at the J.J. Stable Tree Theatre, University of Queensland, 1961; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/7: Scenes from a play performed at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/8: Scenes from a play performed at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/9: Scenes from a play performed at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/10: Scenes from a play performed at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/11: Scene and players from a play at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/12: Scene and players from a play at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/13: Scene and players from a play at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/14: Scene and players from a play at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/15: Scene and players from a play at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/16: Scene and players from a play at the J.J. Stable Tree Memorial Theatre, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/17: Emmanuel College showing residents and the Principal, 1922; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: Henry J. Wanchap, A.E. Kirwoood, Rev Dr R. Glaister (Principal) J.N. Florence, Norman L. Harvey, J. Eric G. Martin ; Second row: Leonard C. Fisher, Alexander Bryson, Rev Alexander Duff, J.H. Costello, W. Harrison. Back row: Colin J. Nash, Ian M. Baxter, Bruce T. Mayes.
AJ/P/18: Emmanuel College showing residents and the Principal, 1923; 1 b&w photograph. Front row: Norman L. Harvey, Alexander Bryson, Rev M. Henderson (Principal) D.A. Brown, R. Dalley-Scarlett ; 2nd row: Colin J. Nash, Leonard C. Fisher, J. Dalgleish, Russel W. Skerman, Back row: J. Eric G. Martin, Ian M. Baxter, Henry J. Wanchap. Stamp on reserve: LC Fisher.
AJ/P/19: St John's College showing residents and warden, 1924; 1 b&w photograph. Back: R. Mundell, N. Kelly, W. Bagley, G. Seaman ; second row: T.E. Collins, G. Boreham, G.W. Barlow, F. Griffiths, N.R. Abbott, E.M. Shepherd, A.P. Douglas ; third row: H.M. Hulbert, R. Mellor, P.A. Macfie, R. Rowe, W. Harrison, A. J. Bennett, J. Calder ; H. Hadgraft ; front: P. Anderson, E.B. Freeman, W. Chamberlain, Rev. W.H. Stevenson (Warden), J.R. Cooper, E. Dimmock, J. Grice.
AJ/P/20: St John's College showing residents and warden, 1925; 1 b&w photograph. Back: A.K. Denmead, W. Bagley, J.M. Hulbert, K.N.S. Hall, T.E. Collins, Faldt?, N. Smith, E.M. Shepherd ; centre: J. M. Hulbert, W. Young, J. Calder, unknown, N.L. Kelly, G.G. Boreham, G. Seaman, Wilson(?) ; front: F. Griffiths, R. Rowe, W. Harrison, E.B. Freeman, Rev W. Stevenson (Warden), J.R.L. Cooper, P. Anderson, W. Mellor, G.W. Barlow.
AJ/P/21: St John's College showing residents and warden, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. St John's College 1926: Back: E.L.D. White, H.R. Bruce, W.J. Hulbert, W.J. Byerley, J.T. Housden, M.J. Boge ; Centre: G. Seaman, E.M. Shepherd, S.K.D. Murphy, R. Head, K.N.S. Hall, N. Smith, J. Parnell ; Front: F. Griffiths, R. Rowe, E.B. Freeman, Rev Stevenson (Warden) , Rev B.P. Robin (Vice Warden) T.E. Collins, J. Calder (Inset Wilson?).
AJ/P/22: St John's College showing residents and warden, 1927; 1 b&w photograph. St John's College1927: Back: O.R. Andrews, N. McIntyre, D.B. Vallance, J. Harrison, H. Hopkins, N. Smith, N. Bennet, C.J. Tomlinson ; Second row: E.G. White, H.R. Bruce, R. Head, G.K.D. Murphy, J. Housden, M.J. Boge, J. Parnell, K.N.S. Hall, E.L.D. White ; front: N.L. Kelly, T.E. Collins, W.G. Byerley, G. Seaman, Rev. B.P. Robin (Warden), G.W. Barlow, F.J. Griffiths, J.M. Hulbert, E.M.? Shepherd.
AJ/P/23: St John's College showing residents and warden [signatures on back], 1928; 1 b&w photograph. On separate slip of paper - St John's College 1928: Back row: unknown, N. Fisher, N. Caldwell ; Middle row: M. Bennett, D.B. Vallance, G.K.D. Murphy, H. Hopkins, J. Harrison, O.R. Andrews, M. McIntyre, C.J. Tomlinson ; front row: R. Head, M.J. Boge, M. Smith, E.M. Shepherd, J. M. Hulbert, Rev. B. P. Robin , G. Seaman, K.M.S. Hall, J. Parnell, E.L.D. White (Warden).
AJ/P/24: First College Group - Women's College - Principal Freda Bage and student residents in formal gowns, 1914; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Women's College 1914: Front row: Isabel Aldridge, Mabel Church, Ida M. Smith ; middle row: Vera Haines, Ivy A. Lee, Hilda F. Cleminson, Freda Bage (Principal) Margaret D. Dawson, Charlotte E. Hodgens, Mavis G. Walker ; Back row: Pearl M. Wishart, A. Marjorie Harrison, Doris Stumm, Ilma R. Sterne, Dora E. Lockington, Marion A. Maclean, Hilda J. Sully, Lottie Bond, C. Mary Ruddell, Catherine L. Adam, Hilda M. McCulloch. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/25: Women's College, 1915; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Womens College 1915: (Married name in brackets) Back row: Isabel Aldridge (Goodfellow) Ivy Shield (Weston) Catherine L. Adam, Kathleen Andrews (Evans), Hilda J. Sully, Dora E. Lockington (Golden), C. Mary Ruddell, Doris Stumm ; Middle row: Pearl M. Wishart (Webb), Vera Haines (Jones), Olive M. Drape (Mort), Dr Doris Swanwick (Wagner), Ilma R. Sterne, Mavis J. Walker (Sinclair), Gladys Y. James, G. Winnifred Vance (Ball), Mabel Church ; front row: Alice M? Mills, Marjorie Harrison, Margaret G. Dawson, Freda Bage, Hilda M. McCulloch (Strugnell), Marion A. Maclean. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/26: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1916; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Women's College 1916: Seated in front: Pearl M. Wishart, Mabel Church, Ruby Pederson, Ivy Smith ; second row: Thelma M. Ruddell, Dora E. Lockington, Gladys Y. James, Dr Doris Swanwick ; Third row: Ilma R. Sterne, Evelyn North, Hilda M. McCulloch, Margaret Dawson, Hilda J. Sully, Dorothy Baxter, Catherine L. Adam, nancy Scott ; Back row: Vera Haines, kathleen Andrews, Alice H. Mills, Olive M. Drape, Gwen D. Hughes, Vera Yeates, Rose McK. Scott, M. Alexis Macmillan. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/27: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1918; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Women's College 1918: In front: Marion Shiplet, Dorothy France, Phyllis Cherry, Florence Bee ; 2nd row: Dora Easterby, Ena law, Alexis MacMillan, Miss Freda Bage, Nany Scott, Margaret Dawson, Alice Mills, Jean Macfie, May Binns ; 3rd row: Rose Scott, Ivy Smith, Lucy Shaw, Gwen Hughes, Thelma Ruddell, Nan de Stokar ; back row: Ruby Pederson, Evelyn Horton, Margaret Arundel, Margaret Seaward, Eva Knott, Vida Murray, Mavis Lahey. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/28: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1919; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Women's College 1919: In front: C. McBrain, Joyce C. Shepherd, Lenore Penny, Nita Barrie, E. marion Shipley ; first row: Mary Binns, Julia A. Gordon, Margaret G. Dawson, Miss Freda Bage, Jean M. MacFie, Vida A. Murray, Kathleen Harsant ; second row: E. Rotha Calford, Margaret E. Arundel, Eva Knott, Emily Easterby, Ena Law, I Phyllis Cherry, M. Hetherington, M. Seaward ; third row: R. Harvey, Leila Law, Nina Stokar, Doris Appel, Jessie McWilliam, Meta Brookes, Mavis E. Lahey. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/29: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1920; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Women's College 1920: In front: Mabel Cherry, Madeline Hulbert, Miriam Jones, Joyce Shepherd ; 2dn row: Madge Cuthbertson, Mavis Sinclair, Margaret Seaward, Miss Freda Bage, Margaret Arundel, Margaret Dawson, Dora Lockington, Harriet Marks ; 3rd row: Isabel Bartholomew, Dorothy Yates, Ethel Campbell, Marion Shipley, Margaret Robertson, Alex Maclean, Ruth George ; back row: Meta Brooks, Rosalie Harvey, Rotha Calford, Doris Appel, Lenore Penny, Leila Law, Connie McBrain. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/30: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1921; 1 b&w real photo postcard. In front: Phyllis Fullerton, Ruth George, Mabel D. Cherry ; second row: Alice C. Hoskin, Isobel Bartholomew, Isobel Flynn (Tutor), Miss Freda Bage (Principal), Meta Brookes, Lenore C. Penny, Joyce Shepherd ; Third row: Ethel A. Campbell, E. Rotha Calford, Harriet E. Marks, Margaret Robertson, Lucy E. Milfull, Jessie I. Smart ; Back row: F. Julia Birkbeck, Elsie Sanday, Madalen K Hulbert, Lilian A. Calford. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/31: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1922; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: Olga Binns, Jean Wallace, Gwen Horton, Freda Oxnam ; second row: Elsie Sanday, Jessie Smart Ethel Campbell, Isobel Flynn, Freda Bage, Ruth George, Isabel Bartholomew, Constance Cherry ; Third row: Patience Rowe, Delsie Sterne, Lenore Penny Harriet Marks, Dorothy Yates, Madeline Hulbert, Kit Hassler ; Back row: Mabel Cherry, Sal Hooper, Isobel Brown, Marjorie Hibbard, Con Yates, Ruby Phillips. Stamp on reverse of postcard: LC Fisher. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/31b: Women's College showing student residents and principal and student residents in formal gowns, 1922; 1 b&w photograph mounted on board. Front row: Olga Binns, Jean Wallace, Gwen Horton, Freda Oxnam ; second row: Elsie Sanday, Jessie Smart Ethel Campbell, Isobel Flynn, Freda Bage, Ruth George, Isabel Bartholomew, Constance Cherry ; Third row: Patience Rowe, Delsie Sterne, Lenore Penny Harriet Marks, Dorothy Yates, Madeline Hulbert, Kit Hassler ; Back row: Mabel Cherry, Sal Hooper, Isobel Brown, Marjorie Hibbard, Con Yates, Ruby Phillips. Stamp on reverse of postcard: LC Fisher. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of cardboard mount.
AJ/P/32: Women's College - Principal Frieda Bage and student residents in formal gowns, 1923; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: Lucy Milfull, Elsie Sanday, Isabel Flynn, Freda Bage, Dorothy Yates, Isabel Bartholomew, Constance Cherry ; second row: Delsie Sterne, Mabel Cherry, Sal Hooper, Jessie Smart, Gwen Horton, Marjorie Hibbard, Con Yates ; third row: Ruby Phillips, Thelma Trott, Hazel Fisher, Jean Wallace, Joyce Campbell, Marjorie Hopkins ; Back row: Patience Rowe, Helen Leslie, Kit Hassler, Freda Oxnam, Olga Binns. Stamp on reverse of postcard: LC Fisher. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/33: Women's College - Principal Frieda Bage and student residents in formal gowns, 1924; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: Joyce Campbell, Edna Lomas ; second row: Ruby Phillips, Delsie Sterne, Olga Binns, Isabel Bartholomew, Miss Hunt, Sal Hooper, Gwen Horton, Marjorie Hopkins, Constance Cherry ; third row: Marjorie Hibbard, unknown, Con Yates, Helen Leslie, unknown, Kit Hassler, Gladys Seaward, Thelma Trott ; back row: Hazel Fisher, Nell Appel, Doris Skyring, Patience Rowe, unknown. Stamp on reverse of postcard: LC Fisher. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/34: Women's College - Principal Frieda Bage and student residents in formal gowns with identification, 1926; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: F. Edna Lomas, Frances Scott, Helen I. Leslie, B.E. Ruth George, Jessie .Smart, Gladys H. Seaward, Joyce H. Campbell ; second row: Eleanor Hooper, Gwen McK. Knapp, L. Viola McCosker, unknown, Alice Stockdale, Ruth L. Tomkys, Frances P. Rowland, Maizellah Walker ; third row: Enid M. Raymond, Thelma E. Nissen, unknown, Nora Holdsworth ; back row: unknown, K. Elizabeth Weeks, Daisy Marsh, Toni M. H. Rohde. Stamp on reverse of postcard: LC Fisher. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/35: Women's College - Principal Frieda Bage and student residents in formal gowns with identification, 1927; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: Doris Skyring, Francis C. Scott, B.E. Ruth George, Freda Bage, Jessie I. Smart, Thelma E. Nissen, Toni M.H. Rohde ; Second row: Frances P. Rowland, Maizellah Walker, Ruth L. Tomkys, Alice Stockdale, Evelyn M. Auriac, Helma Onton, Vera Smirnoff ; Third row: Isabelle M. Blue, L. Viola McCosker, Eleanor Hooper, Gwen Knapp, unknown, Marion H. Merry, Alma L. Perrett ; back row: Florence M. Bell, unknown, K. Elizabeth Weeks, Nora Holdsworth. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/36: Women's College - Principal Frieda Bage and student residents in formal gowns with identification, 1929; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: H. Marian Walker, Ruth L. Tomkys, Jessie I. Smart, Freda Bage, Harriet E. Marks, Nora Holdsworth, Margaret Kennedy ; second row: Joyce Anderson, Cicely Merry, unknown, Florence M. Bell, Marion H. Merry, Vebe Gardner, unknown, Millie Thynne ; third row: Jean Gottenzell, unknown, unknown, Grace McGriffin, unknown, unknown, unknown ; Back row: Jean Heale, Verna Rudd, unknown, unknown, Helen Heale. Accompanied by transcription of names from reverse of postcard.
AJ/P/37: Women's College 192? Principal Frieda Bage and student residents in formal gowns with identification, 192?; 1 b&w photograph. Back row: Frances Scott, Gwen Knapp, Toni Rodhe, Helma -nton?, Nora Holdsworth, Nell Hooper, Thelma Trott, Edna Lomas ; centre: Joyce Campbell, Gwen Williams, Alice Stockdale, Doris Skyring, Constance Y-tes, Florence ?, Patience Rowe, Zelda Walker, Ruth Tomkys ; front row: Helen Leslie, Alice Cant, Hazel Fisher, Jessie Smar, Miss Bage, Marjorie Hopkins, Gladys Seaward, Ruby Phillips, Kitty Hassler.
AJ/P/38: 21st birthday party in front of Women's College, 1935; 1 b&w photograph. Photographer stamp on reverse: HE Fairbrother.
AJ/P/39: Women's College, undated, 1 real photo postcard. Back row: A. Peterson, A. Adamson, H. Strugnell (nee McCulloch) ; Front row: Sister Mary Claver (Sheila McDermott), E. Lord (Nevitt) and Marion Maclean from Women's College, 1915?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/39a: Group of Women's college residents at Stewart's Home, 1915; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Front row: Sheila McDermott (Sister Mary Claver) Marion Maclean; Middle row Elsie Lord (Nevitt), Ida Smith and Nest Brown, Leila Macnish, Stewart's Home August 22nd 1915.
AJ/P/40: Portrait of Hilda M. McCulloch (Strugnell) one of the residents of Women's College, 1915?; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Written on reverse of postcard: To Marion with love from Hilda M. McCulloch.
AJ/P/40a: Marion McLean and friend playing wheelbarrow on lawn of Women's College with another friend looking on, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/40b: Topsy Twinkletoes, Alice Mills on lawn of Women's College Kangaroo Point, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/40c: Three residents of Women's College - A. Peterson, D. Lockington, D. Macintyre, 1915; 1 b&w photograph. A. Peterson, D. Lockington, D. MacIntyre. [From Gwen Hughes].
AJ/P/40d: Seven students from Women's College, undated; 1 b&w photograph. K. Higgins, E. Lord, A. Peterson, K. Andrews, D. McIntyre, D. Lockington, H. Foggon. [From Gwen Hughes].
AJ/P/41: Group of six student residents of Women's College, undated; 1 b&w photograph. N. Brown?, M. Harrison, D. Denniss (Milne), H. Strugnell (nee McCulloch), M. Maclean, G. Adamson.
AJ/P/41a: Four students from Women's College : Eva Julius, Marjorie Bulcock, Isabel Walker, Orma Smith, 1921?; 1 b&w photograph. [From Jean Watson].
AJ/P/42: Gwen Hughes, Freda Bage and Estelle Thomson at Caloundra, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/42a: Gertie Burton (Goldman) sitting on the rock, Gwen Hughes at Caloundra, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/42b: Gertie Burton (Goldman) & G. Hughes at Caloundra, 1918; 1 b&w photograph. Hand writing on reverse.
AJ/P/43: Women's College student residents in garden, 1917; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/43a: Doris Wright (Fisher) one of the student residents of Women's College, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/43b: Three students of Women's College including A. Peterson, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/44: Gwen Hughes and Nancy Scott of Women's College, on canon carriage in the park, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/44a: Residents of Women's College at picnic lunch with Dame Winnifred Callis, professor of Psychology and London University, undated; 1 b&w photograph. From left to right: Lexie Macmillan, Doris Wagner?, Freda Bage, Gwen Hughes, Marion MacLean, Dame Winifred Callis (Professor of Physiology at London University at end).
AJ/P/45: E. Lord, A. Peterson and N. Brown in formal gown on lawn of Women's College, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/45a: Seven student residents on an outing, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Margaret Dawson, Dorothy Denniss, Lexie Macmillan, Hilda Strugnell, Gwen Hughes, Dora Lockington, Beryl Steedman.
AJ/P/46: H. Cleminson of Women's College just after her graduation, undated; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Hilda Cleminson (Mrs V. Brotherton).
AJ/P/46a: Sal Hooper and Gwen Horton at Women's College, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/46b: Five student residents of Women's College, 1927; 1 b&w photograph. Frances Royland, Gwen Knapp, Frances Scott, Nora Holdsworth, Nell Hooper.
AJ/P/47: Student residents of Women's College in the garden, undated; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/47a: Student residents of Women's college at a lunch with Dame Winnifred Callis, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph. Left to right: Gwen Hughes in helmet, Doris Wagner, Dame Winifred Callis, Marion Maclean, John Wagner in background.
AJ/P/47b: Student residents of Women's college at a lunch, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph. Left to right: Lexie Macmillan, Freda Bage, Gwen Hughes, Kathleen Andrews, Marion MacLean.
AJ/P/48: Agnes Moore as Charlie Chaplin in front of Women's College, 1915; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/48a: Joan Cue and Helen Heale as two little girls, 1928-1929?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/48b: Scene from play performed by residents of Women's College, 1915; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/49: Commen Procession activities, Schmidt, Bingham, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/49a: Commen Procession activities, Left to right Roberts, White, ca 1912-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/49b: Commen Procession activities, ca 1912-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/49c: Commen Procession activities, Una Browne, ca 1912-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/50: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/50a: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/50b: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/51: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/51a: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/51b: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/52: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Inscription on reverse: "This is the Zoo, with Margaret Robertson as keeper. Joan Dowrie? was another but you can't see her. Mary Bennett is the monkey with the top hat on".
AJ/P/52a: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph. Inscription on reverse: Jess Smart (White).
AJ/P/52b: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph. Stamp on reverse: Phil. Victorsen , Print Brisbane.
AJ/P/52c: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w real photo postcard. Inscription on reverse: This is a skit on picture shows. I can't tell you the men as I couldn't distinguish them. Do read the placards and notices - they're choice.
AJ/P/53: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/53a: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/53b: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph. Horsley?, Boulton, Risson, Hall.
AJ/P/53c: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.Jack Watson.
AJ/P/54d: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph. E.B. Cullen.
AJ/P/54e: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/54f: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/54g: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/54: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph. E.B. Cullen
AJ/P/54a : Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph. Winks, Philp.
AJ/P/54b: Commem Procession activities, ca. 1919-1922; 1 b&w photograph. N.F. George.
AJ/P/55: In the bath: Grace Buchanan and Nell Hooper pushing the bath Dorothy Hill, 1925-1929; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/56: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/56a: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/57: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/57b: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/58: Commem Procession activities, 1920s to 1930s; 1 b&w photograph. Stamp on reverse: Printed by Phil Victorsen, Brisbane.
AJ/P/59: Dorothy Hill arranging float 1928 Commem Procession - in tub: back to camera Grace Buchanan (Gill), Facing camera Nell Hooper (Chesterman), 1928; 1 b&w photographic reprint. [2 copies]
AJ/P/60: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Inscription on reverse: Pavlova's visit to Brisbane, Dancing Damms the Domicile... Stamp on reverse: Geo. Hendry, Parisian Studio.
AJ/P/60a: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Stamp on reverse: Geo. Hendry, Parisian Studio.
AJ/P/61: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Stamp on reverse: Geo. Hendry, Parisian Studio.
AJ/P/61a: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Stamp on reverse: Geo. Hendry, Parisian Studio.
AJ/P/62: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/62a: Science II, Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. G. Ferguson.
AJ/P/63: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/63a: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/63b: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/63c: Commem Procession activities, 1928; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/64: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/64a: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph. McPherson, Joan Cue, M? Dent?, , Win Hossack, Betty Cowell, Maud Gubby (about 1930). Stamp on reverse: Printed by Phil Victorsen, Brisbane.
AJ/P/64b: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/65: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph. Audrey ?, and Thyra Nimmo.
AJ/P/65a: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/65b: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/66: Commem Procession activities, 1930; 1 b&w photograph. A.B. Chater (1930).
AJ/P/66a: Science float, Commem Procession activities, 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/67: Engineers, Commem Procession activities, 1926?; 1 b&w photograph. Left to right: H. Corbett, C.J. Allen, unknown, unknown, unknown, K. Patterson, E. Hogan G. Cardno.
AJ/P/67a: Engineers II, The band commem, 1925; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/67b: Commem Procession activities, 1925?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/67c: First year Science, Commem Procession activities, 1924?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/67d: Engineers II, Commem Procession activities, 1925; 1 b&w photograph. . M.A. Simmonds, Cec Ellis.
AJ/P/68: Graduates, 1916; 1 b&w photograph. Back row: F.W. James, J.P. McCarthy, C.R. Wonderley, W.G. Fisher, S.B. Watkins, K.M. Brydon, E.J. D. Stanley, C.A. Hobson, C.E. Lewis, Miss A.C. Cleminson, G.W. Hargreaves, C.D. Gillies, R.A. Dart, E. Hibbard ; Front row: T.R. Pearse, T.F. Nielson, C.H.H. Jenkyn, Miss A.H. Adamson, Miss MacDonnell, F. Bennett, O.J. H. Dignan, J.S. Gibson, E.T. Finn, Miss B.B. Stedman, Miss G.W. Vance, Miss A.M. Harrison, Miss D.K. Dennis, Miss M.E.McKenzie, Miss H.M. McCulloch
AJ/P/69: Undergraduates, 1920; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/70: Day students, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Front row: l to r: M. Bennett, O. Binns, A.C. Cherry, E.M. Joes, K. E. McGregor, unknown, H.E. Marks, B.E.R. George, M.A. Macpherson, H.C. Broe, E.C. Reid ; second row: unknown ; F.L. Jolly, D.E. Scott, R.C. Phillips, W.A. Oxnam, A.L. Monkhouse, M. Stephenson, E.H. Hart, P.H. Rowe, E.M. Johnston, unknown, E.V. Sanday, D.M. Sterne, N. Barrie, A. McLean, unknown, P.R. Fullerton, D. Hanrahan ; third row: G. Lane, G.A. Fisher, E.B. Freeman, Fowles, J.E. Morwood, D. Henderson, N.R.M. Graigie, R.L. Mills, P.A.W. Anthony, F.H.S. Roberts, D.A. Yates Rotha Calford, Vera Arnell, A.M. Strachan ; fourth row: R.J. H. Risson, G.S. Bailey, unknown, C. Yates, J.B. Dowrie, unknown, G. Williams, P. Hemstead, G.E.B. Spurgin, K. Campbell-Brown, J.R.L. Cooper, A.E. Schmidt, F.C. Bennett, C.S. Hooper A. Bryson, F.G. Holdaway, J.H. Simmonds ; fifth row: G.O.Boulton, J.A.T. Horsley, M. Hibbard, C.M. Hassler, A. Hooper, G.M.W. Horton, J. Wallace, I. Brown, R.L. Mundell, R.W. Skerman, J. Henderson, R. Bateman, T.R. Biggs, J.H. Buzacott, H. McCulloch, F.H. Barlow, J.H. Berry, G.W. Harding ; sixth row: F. Dunstan, R.L. Hall, G.E. Sueyek, T.F. Fry, F.A. Gaydon, J.S. Lawrie, N.S. Harvey, S.I. Backstrom, C.A.M. Weller, O.F. Anderson, L.D. Watson, J.H. Nicklin, S.E.A. Walker, J.W. Grice, W.R. Winks, E.N. Dimmock ; seventh row: C.J. Nash, L.C. Fisher, J.E.G. Martin, R.B. Morwood, G.J. Laycock, unknown, F. Yarrod, unknown, E.H. Smith, L.H. Fadt, J.S. Rowe, H.J. Knight, W.H. Walker, R.H. Hertzberg ; back row: E.C. Fison, A.N. Horner, unknown, unknown, unknown, O.A. Jones, T. Milfull, I.J. Paull, A.F. Clappison, J. Mulholland, Tighe, unknown, C.H. Hadcraft, Lewis, S.M> Mellor, Dorothy Bleakely (Now Helmsley)?
AJ/P/71: Students larking about, 1920; 1 b&w photograph. Includes Jess McWilliam, Dorothy Spark, R.W. Flower, Paul Hopkins, Walter Gibson, J. Davidson.
AJ/P/71a: Students larking about, 1920; 1 b&w photograph. Includes Jess McWilliam, Dorothy Spark, R.W. Flower, Paul Hopkins, Walter Gibson, J. Davidson.
AJ/P/72: Students: Left-Right: Jean Archibald (Lady Hulme), Thyra Nimmo, John Cue, Mrs Henry Hollis Hopkins, A.I.F. Mackinlop, N.E.H. Caldwell, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/72a: Eric Collins in formal gown, 1927; 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/73: Freda Oxnam sitting on a log, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/73a: Bothrio? At base of tree with eagles nest at top, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/74: Mixed group of students, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/74a: Agriculture Faculty, 1929; 1 b&w real photo postcard.. Top row: J.G. Shaw, Milner Clarkson, Norm Caldwell, C.W. Wenders, second row: Aubrey Schindler, W.P. Hamon, D.McKerrow, R.J. McAllester, Wally Nixon Smith?, H.G. Young, P.J. Skerman ; third row: R. R.H. Watson, R.C. Cannon, Dave O. Atherton, Gordon L.G. Miles, Pat Thomas, D.E.? Christian, R.H. Gregg, S. Marriott front row: Bill Cottrell Dormer, Lindsay Barr, F. Athol Perkins, Prof Goddard, Prof J.K. Murray, J.L. Hines, Rolf? Bryan.
AJ/P/75: Col Nash riding an object covered with travelling rug, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/75a: Gwen Hughes, Phil Radcliffe, Nesta Brown on an excursion, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/75b: Group of students on an excursion, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Freda, Isabel, Eric Martin, Knox, Jock (Ivor Paul) Pauline.
AJ/P/76: Students all dressed in white, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/76a: Lyn Auriac Micklen with a child, undated, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/77: View of road with cars, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/77a: Group seeing A. ?errington off to Sydney, 1927; 1 b&w photograph. Name illegible.
AJ/P/78: Group of students one holding sheet music entitled Artura, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/79: Group of Medical or Dental students, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/80: Surveying students at Moggill including F.W. James, Jim Newman, A.B. Yates, 1936; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/81: Surveying students at Moggill including F.W. James, Jim Newman, A.B. Yates, 1936; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/82: Roy Ahern and J. Rewin at Moggill surveying, 1936; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/83: Group of student surveying at Caloundra, 1937; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/84: Group of student surveying at Caloundra- G. Bell with notebook, 1937; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/85: Fishing expedition to Bribie Passage by the Surveying students, 1937; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/86: Jim Newman with theodolite and George Preston and Bob Woodhead look on, 1937?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/87: Ben Tyrell and Ron Perry at Caloundra, 1937; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/88: Float in Commemoration procession showing Jim Newman at wheel, 1938; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/89: Surveying students at Caloundra including Jim Newman, Ben Tyrrell, Ralliegh, Gipps and F.W. James, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/90: Students with Professor H.C. Richards under a tent at Masthead Island, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Includes Ilma Sterne.
AJ/P/90a: Three male students on beach at Masthead Island, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/91: Freda Bage on turtle, on right Prof. H.C. Richards and Mrs Priestley in front of second row at masthead Island, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/91a: Two male students in tent at Masthead Island, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/92: Profile and backs of Prof Richards, Prof Priestley and M. Mackenzie on turtle at Masthead Island, 1912 or 1913; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/92a: Fancy dress party at Masthead Island, 1913; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/93: Masthead Island in distance, 1912 or 1913; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/93a: Johnston family - first trip to Masthead Island, 1913; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/94: Giant green turtle in coral pond, Barrier Reef, 1913?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/94a: Students riding giant green turtle on 2nd expedition to the Barrier Reef, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/95: Students with Prof H.C. Richards and Miss Freda Bage on excursion, undated; 1 b&w photograph. From left: Ken Swanwick, Hilda Clemnison, Florence Phipps, Nesta Brown, Prof Richards, Freda Bage sitting, Clyde Gillies in front row.
AJ/P/95a: Biology student camping at Masthead Island, 1912 or 1913; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/96: Biology student outing with Prof Priestley and Miss Freda Bage, 1913; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/97: Student Christian Union conference at Tweed Heads?, 1 b&w real photo postcard.
AJ/P/98: Len McKeon and Jessie MacWilliams at Caloundra excursion, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/99: Otto Hirschfeld, Doris Swanwick? and Ken Frazer at Caloundra excursion, 1918?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/100: Cricket match at picnic at Redcliffe with Len Fisher's car in background, 1926?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/101: Gwen Hughes and Nesta Brown camping at Redcliffe, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/102: Jean [Watson?], Louise, Una in Melbourne, 1925; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/103: Student Christian Movement weekend at Redcliffe, 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/104: Student Christian Movement weekend at Redcliffe, 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/105: Students at Geology camp in Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph
AJ/P/105a: Students at Geology camp in Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Jim McCormack, Caldwell, Bill Ahern, Len Fisher Jack Daly, Eric Marten, Col Nash, Joe Laycock.
AJ/P/105b: Students at Geology camp in Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Len Fisher, Col Nash, Joe Laycock, Bill Ahern (and friend).
AJ/P/106: Students and ghost at the second vacation Geology camp at Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/106a: Students and ghost at the second vacation Geology camp at Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Eric Martin, Delsie Sterne, Nev Raymond, Con? Yates, Kit Horsley, Len Fisher, Topsy Bartholomew, Florence Jolly, Ruby Phillips, Col Nash.
AJ/P/106b: Students and ghost at the second vacation Geology camp at Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/106c: Students and ghost at the second vacation Geology camp at Warwick, 1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/107: Tent II with 4 students playing flute at Biology camp at Pialba, 1923; 1 b&w photograph. Left to right: Esme Reid, Ruby Phillips, Florence Joly, Doris Scott.
AJ/P/107a: Five persons in a car at Tamborine Mountain to R. Groom's party?, 1927; 1 b&w photograph. August. R.Groom, J. Butcher (Groom) T.E. Collins, Eric Collins?, E.R. Behne?, Rhys Jones, Glad Halstead (Clappison).
AJ/P/108: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill [ms note on back], 1926; 1 b&w photograph. J. James, E.M. Shepherd, Laycock, J.Lavery, E. Hogan, G.F. Cardno, E.J. Chatwood, H. Corbett, Seated G.W. Barlow, unknown, C. Ellis, C.J. Allan (1926)
AJ/P/108a: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. J. James C.J. Allan.
AJ/P/108b: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. G.W. Barlow, J. James, J. Lavery, E.M. Shepherd, E. Hogan, unknown, J. Cardno, E.J. Chatwood seated: C.J. Allan.
AJ/P/108c: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. James, E.M. Shepherd, Laycock, J. Lavery, E. Hogan, G.F. Cardno, E.J. Chatwood, H. Corbett, seated G.W. Barlow, unknown, . Elis, C.J. Allan.
AJ/P/109: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill [ms note on back], 1926; 1 b&w photograph. Shepherd, unknown, C.J. Allan, O.T. Fenwick
AJ/P/109a: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. Shepherd, unknown, C.J. Allan, O.T. Fenwick
AJ/P/109b: Engineering III students at survey camp at Moggill, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. Shepherd, unknown, C.J. Allan, O.T. Fenwick
AJ/P/110: Dave Atherton, Pat Thomas, Dorothy Hill, Nora Holdsworth, Greta Ferguson at a Geology camp, 1928?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/110a: Students at a geology camp, 1926; 1 b&w photograph. Pat Thomas, Greta Ferguson, unknown, Nell Hooper, Grace Buchanan, unknown, Mrs Bryan, Nora Holdsworth
AJ/P/111: Students at biology camp, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Clare Shepherd, Nell Hooper, Noela Harris, Gwen Spurgin, Hazel McCullough, Doris Scott
AJ/P/111a: Students at biology camp, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Freda Oxnam
AJ/P/111b: Students at biology camp, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Zelda Walker, Doris Skyring, Nora Holdsworth, Nell Hooper
AJ/P/111c: Students at biology camp, 1928; 1 b&w photograph. Hazel McCullough, Edna Tunley?, Doris Scott, Freda Oxnam, Louise Crooks, Frank Murphy
AJ/P/112: Students at geology camp in Warwick on 2nd vacation, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Foreground: Joe Laycock, Esme Reid
AJ/P/112a: Students at geology camp in Warwick on 2nd vacation, 1922; 1 b&w photograph. Doris Scott, Eric Martin, Ruby Phillps, Col Nash, Delsie Sterne, Joe Laycock
AJ/P/112b: Students at geology camp at Coolangatta on 1st vacation [no identification], 1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/112c: Second year students on trip to Rockhampton Yeppoon, 1927; 1 b&w photograph. Photo includes H.C. Richards and W. Cottrell-Dormer. Standing: D. Skyring, W.H. Bryan, A.. Denmead, G. Buchanan, H.C. Richards, - Richards, W. Cottrell-Dormer.
AJ/P/112d: Students at geology camp at Lion Creek, 1927; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/114: Kathy Craitem, Miss Queensland, 1973; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/115: Marilyn Bitomsky, President of the Women's Sports Union, 1972-1973; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/116: Kevan Dacey, President of Sports Union, 1972-1973; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/117: Sylvia and Lewin Blazevitch (Kevin was President of the Student Union in 1973), 1973; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/118: Jonathan King (Hyde stage name), 1973; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/119: Paul Abernethy, President Union, 1972; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/120: Student playing drum at a Kung Fu demonstration during Orientation, 1971; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/121: Orientation 1979 showing sailing enthusiasts Harriet O'Connell, Katrina Horsby and Tracey Spencer, 1979; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/122: Margaret Williams (1st year medicine) demonstrating a roll in kayak at Orientation, 1979; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/123: Student residents and warden Rev Baker of St John's College in 1914 taken by Poulsen Studios Brisbane (also shows J. D. Fryer on back row 2nd from right), 1914; 1 b&w photograph mounted on board.
AJ/P/124: State Agricultural College 25th Battalion Regimental Cadets [name identification]; 1 b&w photograph mounted on board. Shows: Back row: Cadets: Johnston, Nye, Cole, Girle, Coates ; Middle row: Archer, Corbett, Cullen, Strauss, Faulkner, Forsyth, Irvine ; Front row: MacDonald, L/Cpl Arthur, Cal Gilchrist, Cap. Black (RAR ?), Major Murray, Cpl. McNiven, Cpl. Logie, Cdr? Waters.
AJ/P/125: State Agricultural College Junior class, 1937; 1 b&w photograph mounted on board.
AJ/P/126: State Agricultural College group photo, 1936; 1 b&w photograph mounted on board.
AJ/P/127: Science float in the Commem Procession taken by R.S. Hopkins, Engineering Student, 1939-1942?; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128a: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph. Photos depict student life through the year in friezes.
AJ/P/128b: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128c: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128d: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128e: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128f: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128g: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.
AJ/P/128h: Decorations for Graduates dance or Ball held in Trocadero or Lennons, ca 1931; 1 b&w photograph.

Staff, benefactors and official associates of the University of Queensland

Dates on some of the photographs are not given; sometimes a range of dates has been estimated. Caption title are mostly supplied by library staff; inscriptions on reverse may be by library staff or others.

This series includes:

AL/P/1: Professor Henry Alcock, 1942; 1 b&w photograph. Photograph mounted on greeting card.
AL/P/2: Sir Albert Axon at ceremony at the Relaxation Block, ca. 1957-1966; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/3: Sir Albert Axon at ceremony at the Relaxation Block, ca. 1957-1966; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/4: Prof O.E. Budtz-Olsen, ca. 1956-1977; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/5: Prof A.C. Cawley, ca. 1960s; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/6: John Darnell, ca. 1920s?; 1 b&w photograph. Note on back: John Darnell "taken some years before he died" v letter, W.M. Hall (Tr???) to R.W. Robinson 25 March 1933?. Photographed by J.J. Hogg.
AL/P/7: Eunice Hanger, ca. 1955-1972; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/8: Eunice Hanger, ca. 1955-1972; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/9: Nancy Bonnin and Father Leo Hayes, 1965; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/10: Rev Leo Hayes at the ceremony conferring his honorary degree, 1967; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/11: Dorothy Hill in academic robes, ca. 1930s?; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/12: Dorothy Hill standing with horse on a geology excursion, 1930; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/12a: Dorothy Hill standing with horse on a geology excursion, 1930; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/12b: Nora Holdsworth, James Lowson and Dorothy Hill at a University of Queensland geology excursion, ca 1928-1929; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/12c: Dorothy Hill and passenger in car, University of Queensland geology excursion, ca 1928-1929; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/13: Dorothy Hill, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Photographed by Poulsen studio.
AL/P/14: Dorothy Hill, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Photographed with Hill standing in front of sandstone wall.
AL/P/15: Dorothy Hill, dressed in doctoral gown, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/16: Dorothy Hill, dressed in doctoral gown, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/17: Professor Dorothy Hill at a University of Queensland celebration following her award of the Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), 1971; 1 b&w photograph. Present in photo L to R: Dorothy Hill, Prof Eric Saint, Ronald Gates, Pro Ron Gynther, Prof Des Dowling, Pro Kevin Ryan.
AL/P/18: Professor Dorothy Hill Queenslander of the Year, 1972; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/19: Dr Otto Hirschfeld, former Chancellor of The University of Queensland, ca. 1950s?; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/20: Dr Otto Hirschfeld, former Chancellor of The University of Queensland, ca. 1950s?; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/21: Barney Joyce, 1971; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/22: Professor and Mrs James Prain Lowson, ca. 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/23: Mrs James Lowson on tour, washing day, ca. 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/24: Professor James Prain Lowson, ca. 1930s; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/25: Sir Samuel McCaughey, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Photographed by Freeman Co.
AL/P/26: Sir William MacGregor, 1914; 1 b&w photograph. Photographed by Thomas Mathewson Co., Brisbane.
AL/P/27: Sir William MacGregor, 1914; 1 b&w photograph. Photographed by Thomas Mathewson Co., Brisbane.
AL/P/28: Sir William MacGregor, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Photograph of painting by James Quinn.
AL/P/29: Chapel-on-Leader : Sir William Macgregor's residence in Scotland, 1915; 1 b&w photograph. Photograph taken by Major John Hardie.
AL/P/30: Sir William MacGregor taken at his residence at Chapel-on-Leader by Major John Hardie, 1915; 1 b&w photograph. Sir William MacGregor (left) Governor of Queensland and first Chancellor of the university, and Sir David Hardie, Queensland's first Medical Knight and a foundation member of the Senate.
AL/P/31: Dr J. O'Neill Mayne formally handing over to Alderman Jolly the gift of 60,000 pounds to acquire St Lucia site for the Queensland University at a special meeting of the Brisbane City Council held on the site on 19th October 1936 when the resolution to resume the land was passed, 1936; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/32: Dr James O'Neill Mayne, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/33: Professor Elton Mayo, 1920?; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/34: A.C.V. Melbourne, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/35: Professor John Lundie Michie, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/36: John Theodore Miller, ca. 1939-1953, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/37: John Theodore Miller, ca. 1939-1953, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/38: Professor N. Nickson (with baton) conducting the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, 1967; 1 b&w photograph
AL/P/39: Cecil Page-Hanify, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/40: Cecil Page-Hanify, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/41: Professor H.J. Priestley and others, undated; 1 b&w photograph. Left to right: D. Cribb, Professor Priestley, Lydia (?).
AL/P/41a: Professor H.J. Priestley, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/42: Professor Priestley playing tennis, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/43: Professor Charles Schindler, 1948; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/44: Professor Charles Schindler, 1948; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/45: Professor Charles Schindler, 1949; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/46: Professor Charles Schindler, 1948; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/47: Professor J. J. Stable : plaque made for the J.J. Stable Memorial Tree Theatre, 1946; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/48: Professor J.J. Stable, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/49: J.D. Story : bronze bust by Daphne Mayo, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/50: Kenneth Hawlkes Swanwick, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/51: Dr Val Vallis, ca. 1960s; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/52: Professor Frank White, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/53: Professor A.F. Wilson, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/54: The Professors - Professor John Lundie Michie, Professor Alexander James Gibson, Professor Henry James Priestley, Professor Bertram Dillon Steele, 1911?; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/55: The Lecturers - Mr Richards, Mr Cholmeley, Mr Parnell, Miss Ulrich, Mr Tivey, Mr Mayo, Mr Shann, 1911?; 1 b&w photograph. Includes: Roger James Cholmeley, Elton Mayo, Thomas Parnell, Henry Caselli Richards, Edwin Shann, John Proctor Tivey, Hermiene Frederica Ulrich.
AL/P/56: Staff of the Sir William MacGregor School of Physiology, William Street, Brisbane, ca. 1940s; 1 b&w photograph. Note on back: Professor D.H.K. Lee, Head of the Dept.
AL/P/57: The Professorial Board, 1971; 1 b&w photograph. Front row: G. Greenwood (History), Joyce I. Ackroyd (Japanese) J.E. Ritchie (Deputy Vice Chancellor (Fabric and Finance)), Zelman Cowen (Vice Chancellor), Dorothy Hill (Geology), President, Professorial Board), E.C. Webb (Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)), J. C. Mahoney (Frenh), Elizabeth C. Usher (Speech Therapy), F.N. Lahey (Chemistry), D.W. McElwain (Psychology) ; Second row: W. Stephenson (Zoology), R. D. Milns (Classics), J.S. Western (Anthropology and Sociology), N.D.S. May (Vet Anatomy), E.W. Moodie (Vet Clinical Studies), J.A. Sagar (Dentistry), M. Shaw (Mech Engineering), R. Over (Psychology), C. O'Connor (Civil Eng.), S. Lipton (Mathematics), W.J. Pryor (Dean, Faculty of Vet Science), J. G. Dare (Pharmacy), K.C.T. Sutton (Law), K.W. Ryan (Law), S.A. Prentice (Elec. Eng) K.G. Hamilton (English) , R. A. Polowman (Chemistry) ; Third row: D.J. Whalan (Lao), C.F. Presley (Philosophy), R.S. Gynther (Accountancy), L.E. Lyons (Chemistry), G.E. Roberts (Architecture), J.F.A. Sprent (Parasitology), D.S. Kettle (Entomology), R.R. Stephens (Dentistry), D.P. Singhal (History), C.A. Hughes (Government), D. Gordon (Soc and Prev Med), F. A. Whitlock (Psychological Med), A.F. Wilson (Geol and Mineral), R. L. Specht (Botany), R. W. Parsons (Physics), K. L. Goodwin (English), D.F. Dowling (Animal Husbandry) ; Back Row: M.W. Gunn (Elec Eng), G.E.G. Sargent (Geoland Min), H.J.G. Hines (Biochemistry), V.B.D. Skerman (Microbiology), G.R. McKay (Civil Eng), J. H. Holmes (Geography), J.M. Thomson (Zoology), G.A. Rose (Comp Science), R. Vyborny (Maths), G.S. Molyneux (Anatomy). List of absentees also on verso of photo
AL/P/58: Procession of Professors including Prof Cumbrae-Stewart, Prof Scott Fletcher, Prof Parnell, Prof Goddard, Prof Bennett, Prof Hawken, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/59: Professors and Lecturers at a garden party, 1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/60: Professors and Lecturers at a garden party, 1922; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/61: Woman [unidentified], undated, 1 b&w photograph. Photographer: H. Noel Maitland photographer.
AL/P/62: Man [unidentified] in office, undated, 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/63: Man [unidentified] in laboratory coat sitting at desk, undated, 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/64: Professors and lecturers of the University, 1920s?, 1 b&w photograph. Back Row: A.R. Munro, A.J. M. Stoney, H.J.G. Hines, C.N. Ross, F.A. Perkins, Dr F. W. Whitehouse, J.P. McCarthy, a. Cayzer, T. Rimmer, S. May, T.E. Jones, E.A. O'Connor ; Middle row: Dr D.A. Herbert, Dr T.G.H. Jones, S. Castlehow, Dr. W.H. Bryan, J.L. K. Gifford, Assoc Prof A.C.V. Melbourne, Miss A.E.J. Darvall, Miss E.H. Raybould, Prof J. P. Lowson, Assist Prof S.G. Lusby, Dr A. Boyd, Dr F.W. Robinson, C. Schindler, W.M. Kyle ; Front row: Prof M. Scott-Fletcher, Prof E.F. Simonds, Prof Michie, Prof Hawken, Prof Stable, Prof Alcock, Prof Richards, Prof Goddard, Prof Cumbrae-Stewart, Prof Bagster, Prof Parnell.
AL/P/65: University of Queensland staff, 1922, 1 b&w photograph. Seated L to R: Miss E.E.J. Darvall, Miss M Walker, Prof Hawken, Prof Steele, Prof Priestley, Pro Michie, Pro Mayo, Prof Parnell, ? ; 2n row l to r: T.E. Jones, Dr A. Boyd, A.C.V. Melbourne, H.J. Priest, H. Alcock, Prof Richards, Dr Stable, S.G. Lusby, S. Castlehow, Dr L Bagster, A. Cayzer ; Back row l to r: E.A. O'Connor, Acting pro L.E. Edwards, A.E.M. Kirkwood, T.G.H. Jones, Dr W.H. Bryan, C.N. Ross, Prof T.H. Johnston, T. Rimmer, C. Schindler.
AL/P/66: University of Queensland staff, 1927; 1 b&w photograph. Seated left to right: Prof Scott-Fletcher, Dr E.S. Simonds, Prof Michie, Prof Hawken, Prof Stable, Prof Alcock, Prof Richards, Prof Goddard, Prof Cumbrae-Stewart, Dr L Bagster, Prof Parnell ; 2nd row l to r: Dr D.A. Herbert T.G.H. Jones, S. Castlehow, Dr W.H. Bryan, J.K. Gifford, A.C.V. Melbourne A.E.J. Darvall ; E.H. Raybould, unknown, S.G. Lusby, Dr A. Boyd, Dr F.W. Robinson, C. Schindler, W.M. Kyle ; back row l to r: A.R. Munro, A.J. Stoney, Prof H.J.G. Hines C.N. Ross, F.A. Perkins, Dr F.W. Whitehouse, J.P. McCarthy, A. Cayzer, unknown, S. May, T.E. Jones, E.A. O'Connor
AL/P/67: Group photograph: Rev. James Duhig, Dr William Robertson, Professor Henry Alcock, Prof Roger Hawken, The Hon. Thomas Beirne, The Hon Sir James Blair, Joseph McCaffrey and William L'Estrange, undated, 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/68: Roger William Hercules Hawken, undated, 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/69: McCaffrey family photograph, undated; 1 b&w photograph. From back: Francis Joseph, Agnes, Joseph Francis, Terence, Kathleen, Peter ; seated Mary Josephine, Charles, Mary (nee Carmody), John Joseph (all children of Charles and Mary).
AL/P/70: The First Senate (at George Street), 1911?; 1 b&w photograph. Back row: W. Wyche (Janitor), F.W.S. Cumbrae-Stewart (Registrar), J.F. McCaffrey (Chief Clerk and Accountant) ; Middle row: E.C. Barton, J.J. Walsh, Hon. A.H. Barlow, Sir David Hardie, J.B. Henderson, A.M. Hertzbert, Dr Love, J.K. Stewart, Hon. F. McDonnell ; front row: W.A. Morrow, E.W.H. Fowles, J.D. Story, R.H. Roe (Vice-Chancellor), His Excellency Sir William MacGregor (Chancellor), Sir Pope A. Cooper, J.L. Woolcock, L.G. Corrie, Dr E. Hirschfeld
AL/P/71: Val Vallis, undated; 1 b&w photograph.
AL/P/72: 26th Senate of the University of Queensland, 1992; 1 b&w photograph. Includes: S. Schwartz, W. A. Plamer, P. White, B.G. Wilson, James Foots, I.M.B. Cribb, M.D. Mahoney, N.S. Girdis, T. Rees-Thomas, R.D. Scott, M. J. Eadie, I.S. Wilkey, A.E. de N. Rogers, Bruce Watson, Llewelln Edwards, G. I. Alexander, K.W. Peterson, J.A. Bathersby, S.M. Dixon, D. S. Barnett, F.J. Gaffy, J.M. Fenwick, R.D. Milns, R.N. Wensley, J.C. Grigg, K.R. Lingard, J.F. Russell, A. Heyworth-Smith, F.Y. Kingham, J.C. Cherry, B. Zerner, A. Palaszczuk, M. Kleinschmidt, JmJ. Foley, P.E. Meaney, P.J. Hollingworth

Vida Lahey Papers

From 1930 to 1934 Shaw attended Vida Lahey's painting and drawing classes in Brisbane. Mim moved to Sydney in 1935 at the suggestion of Vida Lahey. Mim Shaw was an art teacher and in the early 1940s she assisted with Vida Lahey's afternoon painting and drawings classes for children. Mim also wrote an account of Vida Lahey, as suggested to her by Daphne Mayo. Vida Lahey was Mim Shaw's teacher, mentor and friend. All four items in this series are held in handmade, hand painted artist folders of roughly A3 size containing newspaper clippings, notes, drafts, teaching material, cards, colour charts, correspondence, and information on Daphne Mayo.

Lahey, Vida, 1882-1968


Fifty-six diaries written by William Albert Amiet from 1903 to 1959. The years 1916-1919 record his war service.

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