Showing 52 results
Archival descriptionLegislative Assembly elections 1980 campaign material. (2 items)
Legislative Assembly elections 1980 campaign material. (2 items)
Commonwealth elections 1983 campaign material. (2 items)
Commonwealth elections 1983 campaign material. (2 items)
So sing it loud. Audio-disc. 45 r.p.m. Brisbane, 197?
So sing it loud. Audio-disc. 45 r.p.m. Brisbane, 197?
Legislative Assembly 1983 elections campaign material. (10 items)
Legislative Assembly 1983 elections campaign material. (10 items)
Commonwealth elections 1984 campaign material including 'no' to referendum proposals. (11 items)
Commonwealth elections 1984 campaign material including 'no' to referendum proposals. (11 items)
Legislative Assembly 1986 elections campaign material. (6 items)
Legislative Assembly 1986 elections campaign material. (6 items)
Invitation to dinner - the Fringe Benefits Tax and You. Brisbane, (1986) 3 p.
Invitation to dinner - the Fringe Benefits Tax and You. Brisbane, (1986) 3 p.
Invitation - Meet the President Sir Robert Sparkes. Brisbane, 1986, 1 p.
Invitation - Meet the President Sir Robert Sparkes. Brisbane, 1986, 1 p.
Industrial relations (policy), 1986, 3 p.
Industrial relations (policy), 1986, 3 p.
North Queensland (policy) 1986, 4 p.
North Queensland (policy) 1986, 4 p.
Results 11 to 20 of 52