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Showing 13 results
Archival descriptionVida Lahey : artist / Lilian MacArthur.
Vida Lahey : artist / Lilian MacArthur.
Notes for the biography of Vida Lahey
Notes for the biography of Vida Lahey
Draft of biography of Vida Lahey in pen carbon book
Draft of biography of Vida Lahey in pen carbon book
Vida Lahey : artist
Vida Lahey : artist
Art portfolio with material on teaching methods
Art portfolio with material on teaching methods
Portrait bust of Vida Lahey
Portrait bust of Vida Lahey
The rudiments of the language of art
The rudiments of the language of art
Art portfolio with newspaper cuttings
Art portfolio with newspaper cuttings
Writings of Vida Lahey
Writings of Vida Lahey
Mim Shaw notes and papers
Mim Shaw notes and papers
Results 1 to 10 of 13