Communist Party of Australia (Queensland Branch) Records
Communist Party of Australia (Queensland Branch) Records
Our Bob: further misadventures of Ming (the merciless) Menzies. Brisbane (195?) 16 p. (comic book)
Our Bob: further misadventures of Ming (the merciless) Menzies. Brisbane (195?) 16 p. (comic book)
Wynnum beacon. Brisbane. 4 undated issues (196?)
Wynnum beacon. Brisbane. 4 undated issues (196?)
Bjelke blocks police bashings enquiry, authorised by Queensland State Committee, C.P.A. Brisbane (197?) 2 p.
Bjelke blocks police bashings enquiry, authorised by Queensland State Committee, C.P.A. Brisbane (197?) 2 p.
Withdraw from Vietnam. Brisbane (196?) poster
Withdraw from Vietnam. Brisbane (196?) poster
Viva revolution in south Vietnam. Brisbane (196?) poster
Viva revolution in south Vietnam. Brisbane (196?) poster
Communist film group (Brisbane) (197?) 1 p.
Communist film group (Brisbane) (197?) 1 p.
Save the free hospitals system (Brisbane, 1969) 4 p.
Save the free hospitals system (Brisbane, 1969) 4 p.
Yes to price control: no to a wage freeze. Brisbane, 1973, 2 p.
Yes to price control: no to a wage freeze. Brisbane, 1973, 2 p.
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos. Brisbane, 1971, 4 p.
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos. Brisbane, 1971, 4 p.