Showing 30 results

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Carey, Peter, 1943-
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Peter Carey Papers
Peter Carey Papers
'Dancing on the water' [screenplay] (1980) (unpublished)
'Dancing on the water' [screenplay] (1980) (unpublished)
'Illusion' [musical theatre script] (unpublished)
'Illusion' [musical theatre script] (unpublished)
'Spanish pink' [screenplay] (1984) (unpublished)
'Spanish pink' [screenplay] (1984) (unpublished)
Collective notes on structure
Collective notes on structure
Bliss [screenplay] draft
Bliss [screenplay] draft
Bliss screenplay: Blocking out
Bliss screenplay: Blocking out
Bliss screenplay
Bliss screenplay
Blocking out Bliss
Blocking out Bliss
Bliss [screenplay] draft
Bliss [screenplay] draft
Results 1 to 10 of 30