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Showing 25 results
Archival descriptionM.W.D. White Collection
M.W.D. White Collection
Material relating to 19th Century Pioneer: Frank Villeneuve Nicholson Family in Australia
Material relating to 19th Century Pioneer: Frank Villeneuve Nicholson Family in Australia
Papers of M.W.D. White
Papers of M.W.D. White
'Chapter 5 - Frank and Saranna's life together'
'Chapter 5 - Frank and Saranna's life together'
'Chapter 9 - The Morisset Family'
'Chapter 9 - The Morisset Family'
'Chapter 7 - Descendents of Frank Nicholson and Saranna (North)'
'Chapter 7 - Descendents of Frank Nicholson and Saranna (North)'
Material relating to the Friends of Tingalpa Cemetery
Material relating to the Friends of Tingalpa Cemetery
Personal papers
Personal papers
Results 1 to 10 of 25