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Notebooks on Saibai and Mer languages
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Notebooks on Saibai and Mer languages

  • F3110
  • File
  • 1946-1958

Four handwritten notebooks by R.V. Miles with the titles: Mer vocab; Mer grammar; Saibai language vocab; Saibai language grammar. Undated; dates assumed to be from time Miles was a teacher in the Torres Strait Islands.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Mer Vocab

'Mer vocab' written on cover of book. Handwritten A to Z list of Meriam Mir words with their English translation. Written in a Signal Exercise Book. Inserted into book: two leaves (leaves have been torn) with Meriam Mir words; one leaf inserted with a poem - the title is in English 'The cat and the rat', the poem is in Meriam Mir.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Mer - Grammar

'Mer - Grammar' written on cover of book. Handwritten in Meriam Mir. Written in a Signal Exercise Book. Back cover has come away and middle pages have come away from staples. Some water damage to bottom left-hand side of book. Twenty three loose pages inserted, many with handwritten Meriam Mir language, in pencil or pen, and some double sided. Inserted is also a playscript, handwritten in pencil on 12 leaves (some have writing on reverse), in Meriam Mir language (5 leaves) and English (7 leaves) and tells the story of a Barber in Bagdad.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Saibai Language Vocab

Saibai Language Vocab.' written on cover of book. Handwritten A to Z list of Kalaw Kawaw Ya words and their English translation. Written in a Quill Exercise book. Cover has come away.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993

Saibai Language Grammar

'Saibai Language Grammar' written on cover of book. Handwritten in Kalaw Kawaw Ya. Written in a Quill Exercise book. Cover has come away. Inserted are two leaves with handwritten poems in English.

Miles, Robert Victor, 1916-1993