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  • F2479
  • File
  • 1927

This file is comprised six items. There are three typescripts: 'My first ten years - some memories of party life' which is about participation in Communist Party activities in the 1940s (7 leaves, typescript, with handwritten emendations); 'Val', which is about Val Fraser (colleague in the Communist Party) (4 leaves, typescript, with handwritten emendations); and four typescript leaves recalling her early childhood years at Wynnum and Lindum with a handwritten note on the first page 'written a good few years back'. All are undated. There are two newspapers cuttings of Kath Watson in Somerville House Sports Teams from 1925 and 1927; and an 'Where is it book?' (Ancol notebook) listing women to include in the 1978 Woman and Labor papers, undated but possibly from 1978.

Thomas, Kath, 1911-1994